Tài liệu Xác định ứng suất do phá hoại kéo trong bê tông bằng Sóng phát xạ: 26 T„P CHŠ KHOA H“C KI¦N TR”C - XŸY D¼NG
Identification of tensile damage in concrete
by Acoustic Emission
Xác định ứng suất do phá hoại kéo trong bê tông bằng Sóng phát xạ
Nguyễn Tất Tâm, Narintsoa RANAIVOMANANA, Jean-Paul BALAYSSAC
Tóm tắt
Phương pháp Sóng phát xạ (Acoustic Emission) đã được áp dụng để xác
định một số dạng phá hoại điển hình trong kết cấu bê tông. Đề cập
đến trong RILEM TC 212-ACD, kĩ thuật xác định dạng phá hoại của bê
tông gây ra do ứng suất kéo hay ứng suất cắt được đặt tên là “phương
pháp RA”, tuy nhiên phương pháp này chưa định lượng tỷ lệ phần trăm
các ứng suất nói trên. Đó là hạn chế của phương pháp RA, vốn được
dựa theo thí nghiệm uốn dầm bê tông đơn giản chịu hai tải trọng tập
trung và thí nghiệm cắt trực tiếp mẫu bê tông. Trong bài báo này,
nhằm mục đích củng cố kĩ thuật phân loại phá hoại, các tác giả đã tiến
hành thí nghiệm kéo mẫu bê tông để xác định các thông số của sóng
và dạng sóng cũng như ảnh hưởng củ...
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Identification of tensile damage in concrete
by Acoustic Emission
Xác định ứng suất do phá hoại kéo trong bê tông bằng Sóng phát xạ
Nguyễn Tất Tâm, Narintsoa RANAIVOMANANA, Jean-Paul BALAYSSAC
Tóm tắt
Phương pháp Sóng phát xạ (Acoustic Emission) đã được áp dụng để xác
định một số dạng phá hoại điển hình trong kết cấu bê tông. Đề cập
đến trong RILEM TC 212-ACD, kĩ thuật xác định dạng phá hoại của bê
tông gây ra do ứng suất kéo hay ứng suất cắt được đặt tên là “phương
pháp RA”, tuy nhiên phương pháp này chưa định lượng tỷ lệ phần trăm
các ứng suất nói trên. Đó là hạn chế của phương pháp RA, vốn được
dựa theo thí nghiệm uốn dầm bê tông đơn giản chịu hai tải trọng tập
trung và thí nghiệm cắt trực tiếp mẫu bê tông. Trong bài báo này,
nhằm mục đích củng cố kĩ thuật phân loại phá hoại, các tác giả đã tiến
hành thí nghiệm kéo mẫu bê tông để xác định các thông số của sóng
và dạng sóng cũng như ảnh hưởng của sự không đồng nhất của vật liệu
đến đường truyền sóng phát xạ. Sau khi lọc bỏ các tín hiệu không phù
hợp, phương pháp RA được áp dụng và tỷ lệ các dạng ứng suất (Mode
I và Mode II) cũng đã được xác định. Trong biểu đồ RA - AF phân loại
ứng suất, các điểm trên biểu đồ được xác định từ hai nguồn khác nhau:
từ các tín hiệu còn lại sau khi hoàn tất quá trình loại bỏ tín hiệu liên
quan tiếng ồn, và từ việc xác định giá trị trung bình liên tiếp của 50
tín hiệu. Kết quả cho thấy phá hoại gây ra do hầu hết là ứng suất kéo.
Tuy nhiên, việc phân tích sâu hơn về tín hiệu (thông số của sóng, dạng
sóng, tương quan giữa các dạng sóng) cho thấy, các tín hiệu có chung
một nguồn gốc phát xạ (event) nhưng các thông số này có giá trị khác
nhau, do vậy phương pháp này cần thảo luận thêm.
The existence of typical crack modes in general concrete structure have been
determined thanks to Acoustic Emission (AE) technique. In RILEM TC 212-ACD,
the classification namely RA method can determine the tensile and shear which
occurred in concrete damaged objects but the proportion of these stresses
are not clarified. These are the limitations of this method which is based on
the four-point bending tests and the direct shear tests of concrete specimens.
In this paper, aiming to improve this classification technique, authors have
performed tensile test on concrete specimen in order to determine the signal
parameters as well as waveforms and to assess the influence of material to
wave propagation. After filtering the raw data, the usual RA-AF classification
process is used to determine the proportion of each type of damage (Mode I
and Mode II). The RA-AF on the classification graph is calculated from filtered
hit and from average of 50 continuous hits. The results show dominant
proportion of AE signals are associated with mode I damage. However, a further
analysis of the signals (AE parameters, wave forms, Cross-correlation) that
generated from the same event to check the relevance of this classification
shows that it needs to be discussed.
Keywords: Concrete, Modulus of elasticity, Homogenization, deformation
Nguyen Tat Tam
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Hanoi Architectural University, Vietnam
LMDC, Université de Toulouse, INSA, UPS, France
1. Introduction
1.1. Tensile damage in concrete specimens
In general, concrete is considered to be a brittle
material. Especially in the case of tensile loaded concrete
a very brittle behaviour is expected, but in some cases,
e.g. anchorage and pure bending, tensile loaded concrete
exhibits a ductile behaviour [1]. By centric tensile tests of
concrete samples, a load-deformation-curve is analysed. As
observation by the authors, when loading from 0 to before
the peak load, the stress-strain relation is linear elastic.
The modulus of elasticity is determined by initial tangential
of angle that formed by this stress-strain relation and the
horizontal line. Then immediately before the peak load (the
round-segment), an accumulation of micro-cracking occurs
at the weakest part of the specimen, and this leads to an
additional strain over this part. Having passed the peak
load, the crack band localizes and the deformation within
the crack band increases, and the final failure occurs due to
one single crack.
In the notched specimen subjected to traction, the
micro-cracks are visible just before loading is reached to
the peak, and the cracks are going to concentrate at notch
location. Within this notches, material bridges transfer the
tensile load, as similar to the crack band at weakest part as
indicated in [1]. After the formation of a real single crack, the
transferred of stress is possible due to aggregate interlock.
In most cases, a crack will run along the interfaces between
the aggregate grains and the cement paste and then grains
are pulled out of the paste. Due to this, friction forces
between grains and paste are occurred. The grains act like
friction blocks and transfer friction forces over the crack. In
some others cases, e.g. the case of weak cement paste
and strong aggregate, the crack runs through the paste and
at the interfaces between aggregate and paste. In addition
case, when the cement paste reaches the strength of the
aggregate, the crack will split most of the aggregates.
In [2], normal weight concrete has been tested under
monotonic and cyclic loading. The aim of these tests was
to provide an accurate description of the tensile behavior
of concrete and simple enough for application to numerical
analysis. Looking at the on-going fracture analysis, the
authors inferred that there is still a lack of knowledge in field
of interaction of Tensile crack (Mode I) and Shear (Mode II),
and it is an open field of research. By AE tests, we are partly
resolving this field of study.
1.2. Acoustic Emission in concrete damage classification
The RA method listed in Recommendation of RILEM
TC 212-ACD [3] is one of the crack classification methods
which is based on the results that have confirmed under
the four-point-bending tests and the direct shear tests of
concrete specimens. As definition, the Rise time and the
maximum Amplitude are applied to calculate RA value,
while the Average Frequency (AF) value is obtained from
AE count and the duration time. The RA and AF value are
27 S¬ 28 - 2017
recommended to be calculated from the moving average
of more than 50 hits [4]. And in [3], the NDIS 2421 has not
defined the criterion to determine the proportion of the RA
value and the AF for crack types, as presented by the floating
dash-line in Figure 1, that mean the location of this diagonal
line will be fixed by the users. In this graph, if the vertical
axis is shown in kHz while the horizontal is in ms/V, the ratio
K = A/B (ms/V×kHz-1) shall be determined depending on
materials and structures. As reviewed by Ono [5] in the RC
beam test, this K value was reported as 1/50, while another
group gives the value of 1/8 in bending and shear tests of
concrete, but further works are needed to develop. In parallel,
in some recent researches, Aggelis et al. [6] have proposed
method of collecting RA value and to locate the dash-line.
The RA method has been widely applied in some papers [7]
and the K ratio is also determined following the type of the
testing and material, but its variation confirms that there is no
rule on this ratio.
2. The experimental, loading machine and AE system
2.1. Material and specimen set up
Type I Portland cement with 28 days strength of 52.5 MPa
is used. Coarse aggregate is gravel, which is composed of
unconsolidated rock fragments that have rough surface and
general particle size range with maximum value of 16 mm.
Fine aggregate is crushed fine sand of maximum size not
greater than 4 mm. The mechanical properties of concrete
were determined at 28 days on three ϕ118×225 mm cylinders
with a compressive strength (fc’) of 51.0 MPa assessed
through direct compression tests; the tensile strength (ft) of
3.3 MPa was assessed by splitting tests. The Elastic modulus
of 37.5 GPa was determined based on RILEM CPC8
One concrete specimen was subjected to traction test
has dimension of 25×10×10 cm and a 10mm notch around
the mid-span. The loading system was controlled by two
COD1, 2 clip gauges locate across the notches. Due to the
expected brittle response, the test was conducted by loading
was applied with rate of 5 μm/min and 20 μm/min to the
CODs for before and after peak load, respectively.
Loading platens are glued to both ends of the specimen
by epoxy. The upper one was glued first and connected to the
actuator; whereas the lower one was adjusted its location to
the central of the lower platen before it is fixed by the epoxy.
This step intends to reduce the eccentricity of loading during
the test.
2.2. Acoustic emission setup
The AE activity recorded was performed using eight-
channel PCI–8 acquisition device of the Physical Acoustic
Corporation (PAC). For recording the characteristic
parameters an AEwin for SAMOS version 2008 software was
used. AE detection was performed by sensors, R15-α series
of PAC whose specification: Operating frequency range 50
Figure 1. Damage classify using AF
and RA value
Figure 3. Loading (kN) and AE amplitude (dB) vs.
time (s) in tensile specimen
Figure 2. Sensors arrangement on Front and right-side (a), and
on back and left-side (b) on specimen (Dimensions are in mm)
(a) (b)
Table 1. AE sensors arrangement on specimen
Sensor no. X (cm) Y (cm) Z (cm)
1 5 15.7 10
2 5 9.3 10
3 5 15.7 0
4 5 9.3 0
5 0 8.3 5
6 10.5 16.7 5
– 400kHz, Resonant frequency 150kHz,
Peak sensitivity 80dB. These sensors are
mounted on the surface of the specimens
with silicon grease as coupling agent,
and they were placed close to the
expected location of the future cracks
path to minimize errors in the AE event
localization (Figure 2). These sensors
have a coordinate that indicated in Table
1 as 3D analyses perform.
The PAC preamplifiers model 2/4/6
(gain selectable 20/40/60 dB + 5% dB)
were fixed a gain of 40 dBs intend to
eliminate the background noise. The
acquisition system was calibrated before
each test using a standard source pencil
lead break procedure Hsu-Nielsen and
to verify that nothing has changed on
sensors sensitivity before and after
the test, the Auto Sensor Test was
performed. In these tests, the AE events
are located by applying the wave velocity
of 4,000 m/sec.
3. Crack classification applying RA
3.1. AE raw data filtering
After the time duration of 260s, the
testing system stopped as a result of the
Table 2. AE parameters in event 2
Record Channel di (cm) Rise time (μs) Amp (dB) AF (kHz) Counts Duration (μs) RA (ms/V) ABEN (aJ)
0 5 3.34 32 50 117 34 290 1.012 393.68
1 4 4.32 28 48 90 19 212 1.115 188.03
2 3 7.04 0 45 49 9 184 0.000 79.45
3 2 7.76 21 44 59 12 202 1.325 106.06
4 6 11.03 48 54 92 45 487 0.958 718.98
5 1 9.54 4 48 59 23 387 0.159 198.01
Table 3. Normalized Cross-correlation (NCC) of signals in selected events
Event Number of records Group name
1 6 Concentrate -0.08 -0.01 -0.13 -0.08 -0.13
2 6 Scatter -0.09 -0.01 0.30 0.08 -0.20
Figure 4. Tensile specimen (a) and AE events at notch portion (b)
Figure 5. Damage classification
at Peak load
Figure 7. Damage classification at
Peak load
Figure 6. Damage classification
at failure
Figure 8. Damage classification
at failure
29 S¬ 28 - 2017
specimen was completely damaged and the number of AE
hits that recorded thanks to six sensors is 30,607. The peak
value of loading is 21.23 kN corresponding to the CMOD of
4.8 μm (Figure 3). After this peak point, the curve gradually
dropped up to a brittle failure of the specimen. By observing
the images (a) and (b) in Figure 4, the location of the crack
on specimen is good agreement with the events which are
localized by AEwin. The first observed AE signals are on
the upper part of the beam and they concentrated beneath
the loading-jack possible due to contact damages. The next
hits are visible at the lower location and random in fracture
process zone.
The number of AE signals obtained in experiment tests
is almost large with inconsistent shapes and either their
parameters. Filtering work on AE hits may be associated
to raw data with surround noise elimination. The hits with
low magnitude (Duration less than 10 μs and Count less
than 2) could be related to background noise [8]. And it is
noteworthy in some studies [9] that the AE energy have a
good correlation to the fracture energy. And as the comments
in those papers, users are possible to cite that AE
energy can be a feature to determine the fracture
energy of concrete. They also confirm in the
three-point-bending test with notched concrete
beam, the high energy events are located above
the tip of the notch.
In addition to above filtering task, signals that
have the Duration higher than the Frame-time
that definite by AEwin before starting of signal
recording will also be discarded. To determine
the appropriate Duration value, the Hit Definition
Time (HDT, μs) is calculated through the input
parameters. According to [10], HDT is defined as
follows Eq. 1.
1024 LHDT P
= × −
Eq. 1
Where: L (μs) - Length in k (1 k = 1024 μs)
of signal; S – Sample rate in MSPS (Millions
of Samples Per Second), 1 MSPS = 106 Hz; P
(μs) is Pre-trigger time. In this test, L = 2 k, S = 1
MSPS and P = 96 μs then HDT = 1952 μs.
In this test, AE data filtering work has removed
the signals with Count less than 2, zero of PAC energy and
Duration higher than 1952 μs. Comparing to the raw data with
30,607 hits, the filtered data remaining 15,121 hits (49.4%),
thus, 50.6% of inconsonant signals have been eliminated
after filtering work.
3.2. Crack classification applying filtered RA value
The result of damage classification performing to 275 hits
which are recording from the beginning of the test to peak
loading is indicated in Figure 5. It can be seen, the number
of hits that resulting damage Mode I is occupied 97.1%, thus,
the dominant damage mode is tensile. And at the failure
(15,121 hits), Mode I is increased and accounted for 98.4%
as shown in Figure 6. AE analysis confirmed that the damage
in specimen is caused by tensile stress. The Shear mode
exists but it contributes low proportion with 1.6%.
3.3. Crack classification applying RA value of average 50
continuous AE hits
As indicated in Subsection 1.2, in NDIS 2421 [3]
classification process, the RA and AF value are calculated
(b) (c)
Figure 9. 3D event localization (a), crack classification for six signals of
event 1 (b) and event 2 (c)
Figure 10. Signal waveforms of Record 0 to 5 of event 2
from the moving average of more
than 50 hits [4]. In this subsection,
RA and AF value of individual hit are
determined and then the average
value of group 50 continuous hits
is created.
At peak load, the plots show
100% tensile crack in the specimen
as show in Figure 7. The dots in the
graph represent the average value
of RA and AF of 50 continuous hits.
In the following process after peak,
the result on the plot clarifies that
100% damage mode during this
process is tensile (Figure 8).
4. AE events source
The NDIS 2421 damage
classification has been applied RA
value as well as Average frequency
of signals but without considering
other independent parameters of
those signals such as Amplitude,
Count, Duration, Energy and etc.
Thus, by generated from one event
and having the similar damage
mode, but the received signals at individual sensor have the
differential shapes and parameters. Figure 9.a) depicts an
event with the ranges to the sensors are di (i = 1 - 6). It can
be seen, the different in travel distance from source to the
sensors possible influence to the waveforms. To verify this,
two events are extracted from the 3D event localization then
classify by RA value and Cross-correlation. The Cartesian
coordinate of event 1 is (2.21; 12.44; 7.18) and event 2 (1.91;
10.09; 2.92) cm.
In Figure 9.b) and c), it is clearly seen that all signals of
the event 1 and event 2 are classified in Mode I. Although
having the similar mode I but the distribution of records on
the RA - AF chart is different to the events and there are
two trends of signal grouping. The first is ‘concentrate’, for
example the signals in event 1 are closely located on the plot
that represents the same RA and AF value. In contrast, the
second Group is ‘scatter’ as event 2, the position of signals
are varying in larger zone comparing to event 1 with AF from
50-120 kHz, RA from 0-2 ms/V.
In terms of waveform, the Figure 10 presents the
waveforms of Record 0 to 5 of event 2. It can be seen, the
presence of high AF in the 6 signal waveforms improve that
they are tensile mode. As indicated in [11], when the distance
from sensors to event increase, the AF and energy decrease
while RA increases. By observing the events that defined in
the tensile test, authors recognized that these events are
incompatible with above attenuation rule in [11]. For example,
from Record 0 to 4, the distances from the sensors to the
event rise from 3.34 cm (Record 0) to 11.03 cm (Record 4)
while the Amplitudes reduce from 50 to 44 dB (in Record 0 to
3) but increase to 54 dB in Record 4. Similarity, the fluctuation
of RA and ABEN (Absolute Energy) from Record 0 to 5 clarify
that there is no exhaust regulation on these factors (Table 2).
5. Signal waveform Cross-correlation
Another technique for AE sources discrimination
consists in applying Cross-correlation method. Wave Cross-
correlation aims to find the similarity between waveforms,
thereby, it could help to evaluate if the received signals by
sensor 1 to 6 are compatible or incompatible with each other.
The correlation result reaches a peak at the time when the
two signals have the best match. When the two signals are
identical in terms of shape, this peak is reached at time t
= 0 without delay. However, if one of these two signals has
delay time and is possibly influenced by the travel distance
then correlation is a good method to measure that delay. The
Cross-correlation (CC) of discrete signal is defined as Eq. 2.
( ) [ ] [ ]
n n
CC x y X Y
= ∑
Eq. 2
Where: N is number samples in the signal. In the AE
signal acquirement system, N is determined by a rate of
1 point per μs. In this test, AE signals are recorded with N
= 2048 samples (equivalent to 2048 μs) and it will stop at
point which is zero Amplitude. And X[n] and Y[n] are function of
physical quantity varies over time or spacy.
In general, the CC is a measure of how similar signals
are and the high CC indicates that the signals are quite the
same. However, if two events that have high energy (or high
amplitude) at some samples at different time, the CC value
could be comparatively high but actually the signals are not
quite similar. Thus, the CC value may cause the misleading
to the users. Then the normalized of Cross-correlation (NCC)
is necessary apply to the two signals to conclude that they
are identical or not, as defined in Eq. 3.
( ) [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ]
1 12 2
0 0
n nn
n nn n
NCC x y
− −
= =
∑ ∑
Eq. 3
To evaluate the correlation between signals in the two
groups named ‘concentrate’ and ‘scatter’ that mentioned
above, signals in some events will be selected to calculate
the correlation and normalized value. The events in Group
one is event 1 and Group two is event 2. The results of the
Figure 11. Correlation Record 0 - Record 2 with NCC = -0.01, event 2
Figure 12. Correlation Record 0 - Record 3 with NCC = 0.3, event 2
31 S¬ 28 - 2017
Tài liệu tham khảo
1. Gert Konig and Herbert Duda, “Basic concept for using
concrete tensile strength,” ETH Zür. Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zür.
Schweiz Wwwlibraryethzch, 1991.
2. Hans W. Reinhardt, Hans A. W. Cornelissen, and Dirk A.
Hordijk, “Tensile tests and failure analysis of Concrete,” Univ.
Neb.-Linc. 060613, 2013.
3. Kentaro Ohno and Masayasu Ohtsu, “Crack classification in
concrete based on acoustic emission,” Constr. Build. Mater., vol.
24, no. 12, pp. 2339–2346, Dec. 2010.
4. RILEM Technical Committee, “Recommendation of RILEM TC
212-ACD: acoustic emission and related NDE techniques for
crack detection and damage evaluation in concrete: Test method
for classification of active cracks in concrete structures by
acoustic emission,” Mater. Struct., vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1187–1189,
Nov. 2010.
5. Kanji Ono, “Application of acoustic emission for structure
diagnosis,” Diagn. ISSN 1641-6414, pp. 3–18, 2011.
6. D.G. Aggelis, “Classification of cracking mode in concrete by
acoustic emission parameters,” Mech. Res. Commun., vol. 38,
no. 3, pp. 153–157, Apr. 2011.
7. Arash Behnia, Hwa Kian Chai, and Tomoki Shiotani, “Advanced
structural health monitoring of concrete structures with the
aid of acoustic emission,” Constr. Build. Mater., vol. 65, pp.
282–302, Aug. 2014.
8. L. Calabrese, G. Campanella, and E. Proverbio, “Noise removal
by cluster analysis after long time AE corrosion monitoring of
steel reinforcement in concrete,” Constr. Build. Mater., vol. 34,
pp. 362–371, Sep. 2012.
9. R. Vidya Sagar and B. K. Raghu Prasad, “An experimental study
on acoustic emission energy as a quantitative measure of size
independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams,” Constr.
Build. Mater., vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 2349–2357, May 2011.
10. MISTRAS Group, Inc, SAMOS AE system User’s Manual, Rev.
3. 2011.
11. D. Polyzos, A. Papacharalampopoulos, T. Shiotani, and D. G.
Aggelis, “Dependence of AE parameters on the propagation
distance,” J Acoust Emiss, vol. 29, pp. 57–67, 2011.
calculation are shown in Table 3. It can be seen that event
2 gives higher NCC value than event 1. For example, by
assess the Record 0 and 3, the NCC value in event 2 is 0.30
while in event 1 has NCC = -0.13.
Figure 11 presents the waveform of Record 0 and
Record 2 of event 2 with the normalized cross-correlation
between the two records is NCC = -0.01. Similarity, Figure
12 demonstrates the waveform of Record 0 and Record 3 in
event 2 with NCC = 0.3.
6. Comments and conclusions
The filtering plays an important role in eliminating the
signals that could be related to surrounding noise (low of
count, duration and energy). It is about 50% of the raw signals
have been removed from the classification processes.
On the crack classification chart, signals concentrated in
high AF areas exhibit damage mode I, which is consistent
with RILEM TC 212-ACD. By observing the crack shape
and also section in Figure 13, it is identified that the almost
mode I cracks have pulled out the gravels and divided them
in to two parts. The occurrence of shear stress (1.6%) when
determining RA-AF from individual hits can be caused by
damage at the interface between the aggregate and mortar
(de-bonding), slip damage between the two materials is
possible to generate shear mode. However, by determining
the RA-AF from the mean value of 50 continuous hits, mode
II is noticeably dissipated. The possible reason is that the
number of mode I is negligible compared to mode II, thus by
applying the average, mode II was filtered out.
There are significant differences when comparing the
waveforms of the signals that generate from the similar
event. Although the signals share the same damage zone
(mode I or mode II) but the correlation between waveforms
and parameters varies considerably. This could be due
to the influence of the transmission distance and the
heterogeneous of material to the waveform. In [11], when
the distance between the sensor and the event increases,
the RA value increase while the AF, Amplitude and Energy
decrease. However, this attenuation rule was not observed
in the signals that received from tensile experiment; instead,
these values fluctuate without identify the trend./.
Figure 13. Crack shape at the notch (a) and plan view (b)
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