Tài liệu Từ vựng và Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 10 (Nâng cao): SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐỒNG THÁP
Units 1- 8
Biên soạn: LÊ NGỌC THẠCH
(Lưu hành nội bộ)
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Lê Ngọc Thạch
A. READING (pages 14-17)
research (n) nghiên cứu
instructor (n) người dạy
effectively (adv) hiệu quả
achievement (n) sự thành đạt
satisfaction (n) sự thỏa mãn
immediately (adv) ngay lập tức
vice versa: ngược lại
particularly (adv) 1 cách riêng biệt
economics (n) kinh tế
identify (v) chỉ ra
assignment (n) bài tập
strategy (n) chiến lược
maximize (v) sử dụng theo cách tốt
attentive (adj) chú ý
cooperative (adj) hợp tác
gender (n) phái (nam/nữ)
diversity (n) sự đa dạng
interaction (n) sự tác động
encourage (v) động viên
B. LISTENING (pages 17-18)
stick (v) bám sát
strict (adj) nghiêm k...
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Units 1- 8
(Löu haønh noäi boä)
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
A. READING (pages 14-17)
research (n) nghieân cöùu
instructor (n) ngöôøi daïy
effectively (adv) hieäu quaû
achievement (n) söï thaønh ñaït
satisfaction (n) söï thoûa maõn
immediately (adv) ngay laäp töùc
vice versa: ngöôïc laïi
particularly (adv) 1 caùch rieâng bieät
economics (n) kinh teá
identify (v) chæ ra
assignment (n) baøi taäp
strategy (n) chieán löôïc
maximize (v) söû duïng theo caùch toát
attentive (adj) chuù yù
cooperative (adj) hôïp taùc
gender (n) phaùi (nam/nöõ)
diversity (n) söï ña daïng
interaction (n) söï taùc ñoäng
encourage (v) ñoäng vieân
B. LISTENING (pages 17-18)
stick (v) baùm saùt
strict (adj) nghieâm khaéc
hit hit hit (v): ñaùnh, chaïm
left-handed (adj) vieát tay traùi
recite (v) ñoïc thuoäc loøng
transfer (v) chuyeån ñoåi
terrified (adj) khuûng khieáp, sôï haõi
finger (n) ngoùn tay
transportation (n) söï ñi laïi
punish (v) phaït
C. SPEAKING (pages 18-19)
quality (n) chaát löôïng, phaåm chaát
sense of humor (n) oùc haøi höôùc
have something in common (v) coù
ñieåm töông ñoàng
D. WRITING (pages 19-20)
narrative (n) baøi töôøng thuaät
account (n) söï töôøng thuaät
memory (n) kó nieäm
hurriedly (adv) voäi vaõ
unfortunately (adv) khoâng may maén
get involved (v) lieân quan
impression (n) aán töôïng
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 20-22)
effort (n) söï noã löïc
spirit (n) tinh thaàn
relaxing (adj) thö giaõn
be eager (v) haùo höùc
seek (v) tìm kieám (thoâng tin)
Compound Nouns
Ex: Nga was my classmate when we studied in junior high school.
Comp Noun
Noun + Noun Compound Noun
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
Gerund (V-ing) or To-Infinitive (to-V)
1. Gerund (V-ing)
Thöôøng theo sau caùc ñoäng töø nhö: love, enjoy, mind, can’t stand,
practice, suggest, keep, regret, fancy, finish, avoid, carry on, …….
Ex: - I enjoy playing soccer.
- My uncle kept talking about his farmlife.
2. To-Infinitive (to-V)
Thöôøng theo sau caùc ñoäng töø nhö: want, decide, try, fail, pretend,
prove, hope, agree, promise, happen, tend, plan, …
Ex: - We all want to become better students.
- She decided to live in HCM city.
3. S + V + 0 + to-inf….
Thöôøng theo sau caùc ñoäng töø nhö: ask, want, get, tell, advise, allow,
persuade, order, invite, …..
Ex:- My parents always want me to be a doctor.
- Nga asked Lan to return her book.
A. READING (pages 23-25)
background (n) lai lòch
creator (n) ngöôøi saùng taïo
discover (v) khaùm phaù
president (n) toång thoáng
space (n) khoâng gian
vaccine (n) vaéc xin
rabies (n) beänh daïi
chemist (n) nhaø hoùa hoïc
process (n) tieán trình
pasteurization (n) tieät truøng
disease (n) beänh
honor (v) toân vinh
funeral (n) leã tang
institute (n) hoïc vieän
vaccination (n) chuûng ngöøa
pioneer (n) ngöôøi tình nguyeän
liver (n) gan
surgery (n) söï phaãu thuaät
technique (n) kó thuaät
operate (v) giaõi phaãu
antiapartheid (n) choáng phaân bieät
chuûng toäc
protest (n) söï baûo veä
address (v) ñoïc dieãn vaên
political (adj) thuoäc chính trò
arrest (v) baét giöõ
imprisonment (n) söï ôû tuø
nonracial (n)khoâng phaân bieät ch. toäc
democracy (n) neàn daân chuû
retire (v) veà höu
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
B. LISTENING (pages 25-27)
graduate from (v) toát nghieäp
bury (v) choân caát
plantation (n) ñoàn ñieàn
quinine (n) kí ninh
quinquina (n) caây canh ki na
polite (adj) lòch söï, leã pheùp
selfish (adj) ích kó
humane (adj) nhaân ñaïo
baccalaureate degree (n) baèng tuù taøi
citizenship (n) quyeàn coâng daân
wanderlust (n) tính thích ñi du lòch
expedition (n) ngaønh hoïc vò
immunology (n) söï mieãn nhieãm
contribute (v) ñoùng goùp
humility (n) söï khieâm toán
laboratory (n) phoøng thöïc haønh
C. SPEAKING (pages 27-28)
biologist (n) nhaø sinh vaät
doctorate (n) hoïc vò tieán sæ
institution (n) toå chöùc xaõ hoäi
admire (v) ngöôõng moä
D. WRITING (pages 28-29)
summary (n) baøi toùm taét
biography (n) tieåu söû
brief (adj) ngaén goïn
emigrate (v) di cö
impossible (adj) khoâng theå
application (n) xin vieäc
accept (v) chaáp nhaän
determine (v) quyeát ñònh
ambition (n) tham voïng
tuition (n) söï giaûng daïy
infection (n) söï nhieãm khuaån
surgeon (n) baùc sæ phaãu thuaät
abandon (v) töø boû
physician (n) baùc sæ
establish (v) thieát laäp
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 29-31)
duty (n) traùch nhieäm
frost (n) söï ñoâng laïnh
respect (v) toân troïng
manufacturer (n) nhaø saûn xuaát
amount (n) löôïng
toothbrush (n) baøn chaûi raêng
boss (n) oâng chuû
Compound Adjectives
Ex: Yesterday I bought a man-made bag.
Comp Adj
Noun + Adjective Compound Adjective
Baét ñaàu baèng caùc töø ñeå hoûi nhö: Who, whom, which, what, whose,
when, where, why, how (old, long, far, much, many,……..)
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
Question Word To ask about
people, animals, facts, events
manner, quality
1. Vôùi ñoäng töø “to be”: Wh- + Be + S ?
Ex: Who are you?
2. Vôùi ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát (Auxiliary verbs): can, could, will,
would, shall, should, may, might, must,…. Wh- + Aux + S + V….?
Ex: What will you buy for your daughter?
3. Vôùi ñoäng töø thöôøng: Wh- + do/does/did + S + V ……?
Ex: Where did you go yesterday?
A. READING (pages 32-34)
install (v) caøi ñaët
pipe (n) oáng daãn
commuter (n) ngöôøi ñi laøm = veù thaùng
punch (v) ñuïc, duøi loã
announce (v) coâng boá, thoâng baùo
take a nap (v) nguû tröa
resume (v) baét ñaàu laïi
bonus (n) tieàn thöôûng
typical (adj) ñieån hình
count on (v) döïa vaøo
promotion (n) söï thaêng tieán
security (n) söï an toaøn
employee (n) ngöôøi laøm coâng
income (n) thu nhaäp
B. LISTENING (pages 34-35)
fantastic shape(n)voùc daùng tuyeät vôøi
expert (n) chuyeân gia
equipment (n) thieát bò
diet (n) böõa aên kieâng
suppose (v) cho laø
appetite (n) söï ngon mieäng
secret (n) ñieàu bí maät
C. SPEAKING (page 36)
secretary (n) thö kí
trading company (n) coâng ty thöông
journalist (n) nhaø baùo
customer (n) khaùch haøng
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
maïi staff (n) nhoùm nhaân vieân, hoäi ñoàng
D. WRITING (page 37)
publisher (n) nhaø xuaát baûn
complaint (n) lôøi than phieàn
reference (n) söï tham khaûo
contact (v) tieáp xuùc
travel agency (n) coâng ty du lòch
reply (n) söï ñaùp töø
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 38-41)
coat (n) aùo khoaùc
keep awake (v) thöùc giaác
parcel (n) goùi haøng
demanding (adj) yeâu caàu
injured (adj) bò thöông
Compound Adjectives
Ex: I have a ten-page book.
Comp Adj
Number + Singular Noun Compound Adjective
Ex: This watch costs fifty dollars.
It is a fifty-dollar watch.
I. The Present Simple Tense
1. Form to be
- Affirmative: S + V1…. S + am/is/are……
- Negative: S + do/does + not + V….. S + am/is/are + not…..
- Interrogative: Do/Does + S + V….? Am/Is/Are + S ….?
2. Use
a. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng hoaëc moät thoùi quen ôû hieän taïi (always,
usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, every…….)
Ex: I usually go to school in the afternoon.
b. Dieãn taû moät chaân lí, moät söï thaät luùc naøo cuõng ñuùng.
Ex: The earth moves around the sun
3. Ñoái vôùi ngoâi thöù ba soá ít: He, She, It.
a. Theâm “S” vaøo sau ñoäng töø thöôøng.
Ex: Lan often gets up early in the morning.
b. Theâm “ES” vaøo sau caùc ñoäng töø taän cuøng laø: ch, sh, s, x, o, z.
Ex: He watches a lot of TV on Sundays.
II. The Present Progressive Tense
1. Form
- Affirmative: S + am/is/are + V-ing……
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
- Negative: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing…..
- Interrogative: Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing ….?
2. Use
Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra trong luùc noùi (now, at the moment,
at this time, at present….)
Ex: - I am looking for the latest newspaper now.
- They are watching a sport game show at the moment.
3. Note:
Moät soá ñoäng töø khoâng duøng ôû thì Present Progressive, maø chæ duøng ôû
thì Present Simple: to be, to want, to need, to have (coù), to know, to
Ex: - We are tenth-grade students now.
- I understand the lesson at the moment.
III. The Present Perfect Tense
1. Form
- Affirmative: S + has/have +V3/ed….
- Negative: S + has/have + not + V3/ed…..
- Interrogative: Has/Have + S + V3/ed….?
2. Use
a. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù vaø keùo daøi ñeán hieän taïi
(never, ever, not…yet, since, for, so far, until now, up to now,…….)
Ex: We have learnt English for 5 years.
b. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng vöøa môùi xaûy ra (just, recently, lately).
Ex: She has just gone out.
c. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù khoâng xaùc ñònh roõ thôøi
gian (already, before)
Ex: Have you seen this movie before?
3. S + has/have +V3/ed…… since + S + V2/ed….
Ex: We have known each other since we worked in this factory.
IV. The Past Simple Tense
1. Form to be
- Affirmative: S + V2/ed…. S + was/were……
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
- Negative: S + did + not + V….. S + was/were + not…..
- Interrogative: Did + S + V….? Was/Were + S ….?
2. Use
a. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù xaùc ñònh roõ thôøi gian
(yesterday, ago, last……, in the past, in 1990)
Ex: - My father bought this house 10 years ago.
- Mr. Nam worked here in 1999.
b. Dieãn taû moät loaït caùc haønh ñoäng xaûy ra lieân tieáp trong quaù khöù.
Ex: - Last night, I had dinner, did my homework, watched TV and went to bed.
- When she came here in 1990, she worked as a teacher.
A. READING (pages 42-45)
disabled (adj) taøn taät
disability (n) söï taøn taät
dot (n) chaám
dedicated (adj) taän tuïy
steadily (adv) beàn vöõng
pump (v) bôm
tap out (v) voã nheï
alphabet code (n) maõ chöõ caùi
painstakingly (adv) chòu khoù
struggle (v) ñaáu tranh
consciousness (n) yù thöùc
prove (v) chöùng toû
gifted (adj) coù naêng khieáu
master (v) naém vöõng
cum laude (adv) xuaát saéc haïng ba
interpret (v) dieãn giaûi, thoâng dòch
lecture (n) baøi dieãn thuyeát
remarkable (adj) khaùc thöôøng
continent (n) chaâu luïc
courage (n) söï can ñaûm
Braille: chöõ ñoïc &ø vieát (Louis
B. LISTENING (pages 45-46)
impaired (adj) bò suy yeáu
visually (adv) thuoäc thò giaùc
reflect (v) phaûn xaï, phaûn aùnh
adjust (v) ñieàu chænh
expanded focus (n) taäp trung phaùt trieån
commitment (n) ñieàu cam keát
interpreter (n) thoâng dòch vieân
C. SPEAKING (pages 46-47)
attend (v) tham dự
locality (n) ñịa phương
walking stick (n) caây gaäy
sign language (n) ngoân ngữ cöû chæ
gesture (n) cử chỉ
D. WRITING (pages 47-50)
register (v) ñăng kí
concern (v) lieân quan
enroll (v) ñaêng kí
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
registration form (n) ñơn ñăng kí
clerk (n) nhaân vieân
occupation (n) nghề nghiệp
passport number (n) số hộ chiếu
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 50-53)
adjust (v) ñieàu chænh
criticism (n) söï pheâ bình
authority (n) chính quyeàn
heart attack (n) côn ñau tim ñoät ngoät
war veteran (n) cöïu chieán binh
auditorium (n) nhaø haùt
competent (adj) coù naêng löïc
Adjectives Used as Nouns
Ex: The rich should help the poor
Noun Noun
The + Adjective Noun
Duøng ñeå chæ moät nhoùm ngöôøi.
Ex: The deaf, the mute, the blind, the old, the young, the disabled……
* Note: Caùc danh töø naøy ñi vôùi ñoäng töø soá nhieàu.
Ex: The disabled have a difficult life.
The Past Simple Tense and the Past Perfect Tense
I. The Past Simple Tense (see Unit 3)
II. The Past Perfect Tense
1. Form
- Affirmative: S + had + V3/ed….
- Negative: S + had + not + V3/ed…..
- Interrogative: Had + S + V3/ed….?
2. Use
a. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc moät thôøi ñieåm trong quaù khöù.
Ex: By the end of last month, she had made 4 skirts.
b. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaø hoaøn thaønh tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng
khaùc trong quaù khöù (before, after, by the time). Haønh ñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc
duøng thì Past Perfect, haønh ñoäng xaûy ra sau duøng thì Past Simple.
Ex: - After Nam had done his homework, he went to bed.
- They had lived in Dong Thap before they moved to HCM city.
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
A. LISTENING (pages 54-55)
boarder (n) sinh vieân noäi truù
career guidance (n) höôùng daãn ngheà
counsel (v) tö vaán
imply (v) aån yù
field (n) lónh vöïc
check the plug(v) kieåm tra oå caém ñieän
embroidery (n) ngheà theâu
certificate (n) giaáy chöùng nhaän
B. VOCABULARY (pages 55-57)
absence (n) söï vaéng maët
admit (v) thöøa nhaän
cure (v) chöõa trò
social science (n) khoa hoïc xaõ hoäi
natural science (n)khoa hoïc töï nhieân
bacteria (n) vi khuaån
elimination (n) söï xa laùnh
fund (n) voán
addition (n) söï theâm vaøo
passenger (n) haønh khaùch
tax (n) thueá
C. GRAMMAR (pages 57-59)
element (n) nguyeân toá
obtain (v) ñaït ñöôïc
pitchblende (n) uranit
racket (n) caùi vôït
insurance (n) baûo hieåm
D. READING (pages 59-61)
severe (adj) nghieâm troïng
impairment (n) söï suy giaûm
assistance (n) ngöôøi phuï taù
move to tears (v) rôi leä
equipment (n) thieát bò
audiotape (n) baêng tieáng
videotape (n) baêng hình
software (n) phaàn meàm
load (n) gaùnh naëng
colleague (n) ñoàng nghieäp
stress (n) söï caêng thaúng
compete (v) caïnh tranh
E. WRITING (page 61)
hurry (v) voäi vaõ
librarian (n) ngöôøi giöõ thö vieän
persuade (v) thuyeát phuïc
title (n) töïa ñeà
willing (adj) coù thieän yù
A. READING (pages 62-65)
device (n) thiết bị
diagnosis (n) sự chuẩn ñóan
robot (n) ngöôøi maùy
multifunctional (adj) ña chức năng
health values (n)tieâu chuaån söùc khoûe
insert (v) chèn vào
icon (n) nuùt
browse (v) ñoïc löôùt qua
envy(v) ghen tò envious (adj)
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
machine (n) maùu moùc
scale (n) cây cân
tester (n) thieát bò thöû
unbelievable (adj) khoâng theå tin
connect (v) keát noái
depict (v) mieâu taû
B. LISTENING (pages 65-66)
digital (adj) kó thuaät soá
shutter (n) maøng chaén (ôû maùy aûnh)
lens (n) thaáu kính
mode dial (n) nuùt ñieàu chænh cheá ñoä
screen (n) maøn hình
enlarge (v) phoùng lôùn # reduce (v)
press (v) aán
image (n) hình aûnh
record (v) thu
C. SPEAKING (pages 67-68)
microwave oven (n) loø vi soùng
revolutionize (v) caùch maïng hoùa
lighten (v) laøm nheï ñi
appliance (n) thieát bò ñieän
cell phone (n) ñieän thoaïi di ñoäng
portable (adj) coù theå xaùch tay
calculator (n) maùy tính
suit (n) boä coâm leâ
sharp (adj) beùn, nhoïn
D. WRITING (pages 68-69)
furniture (n) ñoà ñaïc trong nhaø
unplug (v) khoâng caém ñieän
vacuum cleaner (n) maùy huùt buïi
food blender (n) maùy xay thöùc aên
base (n) neàn
ingredient (n) thaønh phaàn
clockwise (adv) theo chieàu kim
ñoàng hoà
cap (n) naép ñaäy
select (n) löïa choïn
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 70-72)
painful (adj) ñau ñôùn
juicer (n) maùy eùp nöôùc traùi caây
grinder (n) maùy nghieàn
skin (n) da
stone ginder (n) coái ñaù
mud (n) buøn
straw (n) rôm
cement (n) xi maêng
dye (v) nhuoäm
1. multi- means “many”
Ex: multicolored, multimedia, multiform, multipurpose……..
2. counter- means “opposite”
Ex: counter attack, counter example, counterclockwise, counterweight..
3. un- means “not”
Ex: unhappy, unpopular, unplug, unlock……..
I. The Present Perfect Passive
- Affirmative: S + has/have + been + V3/ed….
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
- Negative: S + has/have + not + been + V3/ed…..
- Interrogative: Has/Have + S + been + V3/ed….?
Ex: Active: They have built a new bridge across the river.
Passive: A new bridge has been built across the river.
II. Used to + infinitive
1. Form
- Affirmative: S + used to + Vo ……
- Negative: S + didn’t + use to + Vo…..
- Interrogative: Did + S + use to + Vo….?
2. Use
Dieãn taû moät thoùi quen trong quaù khöù (ñaõ chaám döùt ôû hieän taïi)
Ex: His father used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day.
His father didn’t use to smoke 20 cigarettes a day.
Did his father use to smoke 20 cigarettes a day?
3. Note: Be used to + V-ing: diễn tả ñã quen với việc gì ñó ở hiện tại.
Ex: He is used to staying up late at nights.
A. READING (pages 73-75)
boots (n) ñoâi uûng
stick (n) caây gaäy
shortcut (n) ñöôøng taét
campfire (n) löûa traïi
slide (n) söï tröôït, söï löôùt
temporarily (adv) nhaát thôøi
confident (adj) töï tin
backpack (n) ba loâ
essential (adj) thieát yeáu
gear (n) thieát bò, duïng cuï
preference (n) sôû thích
injury (n) söï bò thöông
participate (v) tham gia
benefit (n) thuaän lôïi
campsite (n) khu ñaát caém traïi
strengthen (v) laøm vöõng maïnh
achieve (v) thaønh ñaït
frightening (adj) sôï haûi
B. LISTENING (pages 76-77)
excursion (n) cuoäc ñi di lòch
theme park (n) coâng vieân giaûi trí
(theo chuû ñeà)
ruin (v) thaát baïi
score (v) ghi baøn, (n) tæ soá
terrific (adj) haùo höùc, tuyeät vôøi
valley (n) thung luõng
twist one’s ankle (v) traät maét caù
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
C. SPEAKING (pages 77-78)
camping gear (n) duïng cuï caém traïi
raincoat (n) aùo möa
swimming pool (n) hoà bôi
match (n) traän ñaáu
tent (n) caùi leàu
first-aid kit (n) tuùi sô caáp cöùu
flashlight (n) ñeøn pin
D. WRITING (pages 78-80)
confirmation (n) xaùc nhaän, khaúng ñònh
pick….up (v) ñoùn
tenth grader (n) HS lôùp 10
attendance (n) söï tham döï
cordially (adv) chaân thaønh
look forward to (v) troâng chôø
be out of order (v) khoâng theå söû duïng
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 80-83)
competition (n) cuoäc thi ñaáu
race (n) cuoäc ñua
beat (v) ñaùnh baïi
opportunity (n) cô hoäi, dòp may
musician (n) nhaïc só
penalty (n) quaû phaït ñeàn
final (n) traän chung keát
election (n) söï baàu cöû
apply (v) xin vieäc
I. Will
a. Form S + will +Vo ……
b. Use
Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra ôû töông lai (tomorrow, in the future,
next…..), khoâng coù döï ñònh tröôùc.
Ex: It will rain tomorrow.
II. be going to
a. Form S + be going to +Vo ……
b. Use
Dieãn taû moät döï ñònh ôû töông lai, chöa coù keá hoïach thöïc hieän.
Ex: I am going to play volleyball on Sunday.
III. The Present Progressive Tense (with a future meaning)
a. Form S + am/is/are + V-ing ……
b. Use
Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra ôû töông lai gaàn, coù keá hoïach thöïc hieän.
Ex: We are visiting his village at 9:00 next weekend.
A. READING (pages 84-87) reveal (v) tieát loä
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
mass media (n) thoâng tin ñaïi chuùng
spread (v) traûi roäng
emphasis (n) söï nhaán maïnh
designer (n) nhaø thieát keá
artist (n) ngheä sæ
fan (n) ngöôøi haâm moä
entry (n) söï ñi vaøo
release (v) trình chieáu
rumor (n) tin ñoàn
investment (n) söï ñaàu tö
investor (n) ngöôøi ñaàu tö
document (n) taøi lieäu
laptop (n) maùy tính xaùch tay
extract (n) ñoaïn trích
crazy (adj) cuoàng nhieät
kitten (n) con meøo con
divorce (v) ly dò
tax policy (n) chính saùch thueá
B. LISTENING (page 88)
police show (n) muïc coâng an
documentary (n) phim taøi lieäu
commercial (n) phim thöông maïi
comedy (n) haøi kòch
violent (adj) baïo löïc
excellent (adj) xuaát saéc
advertising (n) söï quaûng caùo
waste of time (n) laûng phí thôøi gian
present the news (v) ñöa tin
C. SPEAKING (pages 88-89)
opinion (n) quan ñieåm
boring (adj) nhaøm chaùn
terrible (adj) khuûng khieáp
fantastic (adj) phi thöôøng,cuoàng
D. WRITING (pages 90-91)
relax (v) thö giaûn
live alone (v) soáng moät mình
lonely (adj) coâ ñoäc
violence (n) baïo löïc
limit (v) giôùi haïn
discourage (v) ngaên caûn
gain weight (v) taêng caân
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (p. 91-93)
junk mail (n) thö raùc
billboard (n) baûng quaûng caùo
apologize (v) xin loãi
set up (v) thieát laäp
object (v) chæ trích
Reporting Agreements, Apologies, Promises, Suggestions, etc.
1. Caùc ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät thöôøng ñöôïc söû duïng nhö: insist, suggest,
advise, invite, urge, apologize… for, refuse, agree, promise…….
a. “Let’s go to the beach” said Nam
Nam suggested that they go to the beach.
=> S + insist/suggest + that + S + V……
b. “Would you like to go to the concert?”
She invited me to go to the concert.
=> S + advise/invite/urge + O + to-inf……
c. “What a pity! I can’t help you with your homework, Lan”
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
I apologized Lan for not helping her with her homework.
=> S + apologize + O + for + (not) V-ing……
d. Minh said “I don’t want to tell them about my family”
Minh refused to tell them about his family.
=> S + agree/refuse/promise + to-inf…….
2. Caùc quy taéc ñoåi traïng töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán
today/tonight that day/that night
now then
ago before
yesterday the day before/ the previous day
last (week) the (week) before/ the previous (week)
tomorrow the following day/ the day after
next (week) the following (week)/ the (week) after
this that
these those
here there
A. READING (pages 94-97)
community (n) coäng ñoàng
reflect (v) phaûn aùnh
rural laborer (n) lao ñoäng noâng thoân
craftsman (n) thôï thuû coâng
socialize (v) hoaø nhaäp xaõ hoäi
bargaining (n) maëc caû, traû giaù
fair (n) hoäi chôï
periodically (adv) theo chu kì
vendor (n) = seller: ngöôøi baùn haøng
flute (n) oáng saùo
floating market (n) chôï noåi
agricultural (adj) noâng nghieäp
load (v) chaát haøng
cozy (adj) aám cuùng
rapid (adj) nhanh
exist (v) toàn taïi
function (n) chöùc naêng
characteristic (n) ñaëc tính
attitude (n) thaùi ñoä
B. LISTENING (pages 98-99)
deserted (adj) khoâng coù ngöôøi
amazed (adj) ngaïc nhieân
dress (v) maëc quaàn aùo
typical (adj) ñieån hình
impressed (adj) gaây aán töôïng
C. SPEAKING (pages 99-100)
loss of business (n) maát thò phaàn
atmosphere (n) baàu khoâng khí
wet (adj) öôùt
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
lack of chance (n) thieáu cô hoäi muddy (adj) laày loäi, nhieàu buøn
D. WRITING (pages 100-101)
direction (n) chæ daãn
corner (n) goùc
map (n) baûn ñoà
enclose (v) gôûi keøm
have any trouble (v) gaëp trôû ngaïi
E.LANGUAGE FOCUS (p.102-104)
quit (v) töø boû, thoâi vieäc
flooded (adj) ngaäp luït
hideous litter (n) söï xaû raùc gheâ tôûm
sidewalk (n) væa heø
shopping mall (n) khu thöông maïi
pothole (n) oå gaø
multilane (n) nhieàu laøn xe
income (n) thu nhaäp
car crash (n) ñuïng xe
slippery (adj) trôn tröôït
inhabitant (n) cö daân
casino (n) soøng baïc
protest (v) phaûn ñoái
I. Conditional Sentences (If Sentences): Type 1
Ex: If I finish my homework, I will go to the concert
= I will go to the concert if I finish my homework.
* If clause: If I finish my homework,
* Main clause: I will go to the concert
1. Form
If clause Main clause
If + S + V1….., S + will + Vo……
2. Use
Dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän coù theå xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi hoaëc töông lai.
II. Because of, In spite of/ Despite.
1. Because of
Ex: - I can’t go to school yesterday because I am sick.
I can’t go to school because of my sickness.
- Nam missed the bus because he got up late.
Because of getting up late, Nam missed the bus.
Because of + Noun/ Noun Phrase (reason)
2. In spite of/ Despite
Ex: - The woman tries to climb the mountain even though she is old.
The woman tries to climb the mountain in spite of her old age.
- Although Nga is tired, she still begins her work on time.
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
Despite being tired, Nga still begins her work on time.
In spite of/ Despite + Noun/ Noun Phrase (concession)
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
A. LISTENING (pages 105-106)
cyberspace(n) khoâng gian ñieàu khieån
domain (n) lónh vöïc
fiberoptic (adj) baèng sôïi quang
assignment (n) baøi taäp
preferable (adj) yeâu thích
schedule (n) lòch laøm vieäc
direct (v) daøn döïng
dull (adj) nhaït nheõo
original (n) baûn goác
B. VOCABULARY(pages 106-109)
medicine (n) thuoác
cuff (n) coã tay aùo
fascinate (v) quyeán ruõ
impersonal (adj) thieáu tình ngöôøi
alarming (adj) baùo ñoäng
junction (n) choã gaëp nhau
alley (n) loái ñi nhoû
approach (n) phöông phaùp
multilingual (adj) nhieàu tieáng noùi
multiplication (n) söï nhaân
harvest (n) vuï thu hoaïch
C. GRAMMAR (pages 109-110)
lend (v) cho möôïn
cancel (v) huõy boû
hospitality (n) söï meán khaùch
injured (adj) bò thong
traffic jam (n) naïn keït xe
D. READING (pages 111-112)
cell phone (n) ñieän thoaïi di ñoäng
take off (v) taêng cao
message (n) vaên baûn
pacemaker (n) maùy trôï tim
regulate (v) ñieàu chænh
heartbeat (n) nhòp ñaäp
wave (n) soùng
interfere (v) can thieäp vaøo
block (v) ngaên chaën
silent mode (n) traïng thaùi im laëng
fear (v) sôï haûi
switch off (v) taét
adjust (v) ñieàu chænh
E. WRITING (page 112)
receive (v) nhaän
confirm (v) xaùc nhaän
departure time (n) giôø khôûi haønh
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
No Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Meaning
1 be(am/is/are) was/ were been thì, laø, ôû
2 arise arose arisen xuaát hieän
3 bear bore borne sinh ra
4 beat beat beaten ñaùnh, ñaäp
5 become became become trôû neân
6 begin began begun baét ñaàu
7 bend bent bent cuùi, gaäp
8 bet bet bet ñaùnh cuoäc
9 bite bit bitten caén
10 bleed bled bled chaûy maùu
11 blow blew blown thoåi
12 break broke broken laøm vôõ
13 breed bred bred nuoâi
14 bring brought brought mang
15 build built built xaây döïng
16 burn* burnt burnt ñoát chaùy
17 burst burst burst böøng chaùy
18 buy bought bought mua
19 catch caught caught baét ñöôïc
20 choose chose chosen choïn löïa
21 come came come ñeán
22 cost cost cost trò giaù
23 creep crept crept boø
24 cut cut cut caét
25 dig dug dug ñaøo
26 do did done laøm
27 draw drew drawn veõ
28 dream* dreamt dreamt mô
29 drink drank drunk uoáng
30 drive drove driven laùi xe
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
31 eat ate eaten aên
32 fall fell fallen teù xuoáng
33 feed fed fed cho aên
34 feel felt felt caûm thaáy
35 fight fought fought ñaùnh nhau
36 find found found tìm thaáy
37 fit fit fit vöøa vaën
38 fly flew flown bay
39 forecast forecast forecast döï baùo
40 forget forgot forgot(ten) queân
41 forgive forgave forgiven tha thöù
42 freeze froze frozen ñoâng laïnh
43 get got got(ten) ñaït ñöôïc
44 give gave given cho
45 go went gone ñi
46 grind ground ground nghieàn
47 grow grew grown moïc
48 hang hung hung treo
49 have had had coù, duøng
50 hear heard heard nghe
51 hide hid hidden che giaáu
52 hit hit hit ñuïng
53 hold held held caàm, naém, toå chöùc
54 hurt hurt hurt laøm ñau
55 keep kept kept giöõ
56 know knew known bieát
57 lay laid laid ñaët, ñeå
58 lead led led daãn daét
59 learn* learnt learnt hoïc
60 leave left left rôøi khoûi
61 lend lent lent cho möôïn
62 let let let ñeå cho
63 lose lost lost ñaùnh maát
64 make made made laøm
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
65 mean meant meant nghóa laø
66 meet met met gaëp
67 overcome overcame overcome vöôït qua
68 pay paid paid traû tieàn
69 put put put ñaët, ñeå
70 quit quit quit thoaùt ra
71 read read read ñoïc
72 ride rode ridden cöôõi, ñaïp xe
73 ring rang rung reo, rung
74 rise rose risen nhoâ,moäc leân
75 run ran run chaïy
76 say said said noùi
77 see saw seen troâng thaáy
78 seek sought sought tìm kieám
79 sell sold sold baùn
90 send sent sent göûi ñi
81 set set set xeáp ñaët
82 shake shook shaken laéc
83 shoot shot shot baén
84 shut shut shut ñoùng laïi
85 sing sang sung haùt
86 sink sank sunk chìm, ñaém
87 sit sat sat ngoài
88 sleep slept slept nguû
89 slide slid slid tröôït ñi
90 smell* smelt smelt ngöûi
91 speak spoke spoken noùi
92 speed sped sped taêng toác
93 spell spelt spelt ñaùnh vaàn
94 spend spent spent tieâu xaøi
95 spill spilt spilt traøn ra
96 spread spread spread lan truyeàn
97 steal stole stolen ñaùnh caép
98 stand stood stood ñöùng
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
99 sting stung stung chích, ñoát
100 strike struck struck ñaùnh
101 swear swore sworn theà
102 sweep swept swept queùt
103 swim swam swum bôi, loäi
104 swing swung swung ñaùnh ñu
105 take took taken caàm, naém
106 teach taught taught daïy
107 tear tore torn xeù raùch
108 tell told told baûo, keå
109 think thought thought suy nghó
110 throw threw thrown neùm
111 thrust thrust thrust aán maïnh
112 understand understood understood hieåu
113 wake woke woken ñaùnh thöùc
114 wear wore worn maëc, ñoäi
115 weave wove woven deät
116 weep wept wept khoùc
117 wet wet wet laøm öôùt
118 win won won thaéng
119 write wrote written vieát
* Coù theå theâm “ed” ñeå thaønh laäp V2 hoặc V3.
Success to you!!!
Vocabulary & Grammar for English 10 Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch
UNIT 1: SCHOOL TALKS ...................................................................... 1
UNIT 2: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUNDS .................................................. 2
UNIT 3: DAILY ACTIVITIES ............................................................... 4
UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION .......................................................... 7
CONSOLIDATION 1 ................................................................................ 8
UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................ 9
UNIT 6: SCHOOL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ...................................... 11
UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA ............................................................... 12
UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY ................................................ 14
CONSOLIDATION 2 .............................................................................. 16
IRREGULAR VERBS ........................................................................... 17
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