Tài liệu Surgical results of the ureterovesical reimplantation in renal transplantation from living donor at vietduc hospital – Do Ngoc Son: Journal of military pharmaco-medicine n
Do Ngoc Son¹; Hoang Long²; Vu Nguyen Khai Ca¹; Nguyen Tien Quyet¹
Objectives: To evaluate the results of the ureterovesical reimplantation technique in renal
transplantation at Vietduc Hospital. Subjects and methods: Descriptive study on 101 patients
with end-stage of chronic renal failure, who underwent renal transplantation from living donor at
Vietduc Hospital from January 2011 to November 2013. Results: 69 males, 32 females, the age
arranged from 12 to 63 years. The volume bladder capacity of the recipients was 171.51 ±
69.46 mL. The ureter with a length of 8.5 - 11 cm, most of the right kidney (98.25%) must be
reversed when transplant. The Lich-Grégoir technique with JJ catheter was conducted on all the
patients. Mean reimplantation duration was 23.98 mins (12 - 50 mins); no ...
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Chia sẻ: Đình Chiến | Ngày: 06/07/2023 | Lượt xem: 201 | Lượt tải: 0
Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Surgical results of the ureterovesical reimplantation in renal transplantation from living donor at vietduc hospital – Do Ngoc Son, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of military pharmaco-medicine n
Do Ngoc Son¹; Hoang Long²; Vu Nguyen Khai Ca¹; Nguyen Tien Quyet¹
Objectives: To evaluate the results of the ureterovesical reimplantation technique in renal
transplantation at Vietduc Hospital. Subjects and methods: Descriptive study on 101 patients
with end-stage of chronic renal failure, who underwent renal transplantation from living donor at
Vietduc Hospital from January 2011 to November 2013. Results: 69 males, 32 females, the age
arranged from 12 to 63 years. The volume bladder capacity of the recipients was 171.51 ±
69.46 mL. The ureter with a length of 8.5 - 11 cm, most of the right kidney (98.25%) must be
reversed when transplant. The Lich-Grégoir technique with JJ catheter was conducted on all the
patients. Mean reimplantation duration was 23.98 mins (12 - 50 mins); no urine fistulas, ureteral
necrosis; 1 patient had ureteral stenosis after removing JJ-stent (0.99%). Conclusion: The Lich-
Grégoir technique is easy to perform and has the low rate of urological complication (no urinary
leaking and ureteral necrosis); ureteral stenosis was very low.
* Keywords: Kidney transplantation; Lich-Grégoir technique; Ureteral stenosis.
Renal transplantation is one of treatments
that effect for end-stage chronic kidney
disease. The first case of renal
transplantation was done in Vietnam
in 1992 at the 103 Military Hospital.
Ureterovesical reimplantation is an important
technique and is applied after anastomosed
vein and artery of transplanted renal.
Ureterovesical reimplantation technique
through vesica (Politano-Leadbetter) was
firstly applied for several cases in Vietnam:
103 Military Hospital, National Peadiatric
Hospital, Hue National Hospital, Choray
Hospital (1992 - 2004). Recently, this
technique is gradually replaced by
ureterovesical reimplantation (Lich-Grégoir
technique). At Vietduc Hospital, Lich-
Grégoir technique was used for the first
case of renal transplantion in 2000 with JJ
The aim of the our study was to:
Evaluate the results of technique of
ureteral implantation of transplanted renal
to recipient’s vesica underwent Lich-Grégoir
technique in renal transplantation from
living donor at Vietduc Hospital.
1. Subjects.
101 patients with end-stage of chronic renal
failure underwent renal transplantation
involved in this study at Vietduc Hospital
from January 2011 to November 2013.
1. Vietduc Hospital
2. Hanoi Medical University
Corresponding author: Do Ngoc Son (dongcson1976@gmail.com)
Date received: 14/10/2018
Date accepted: 21/11/2018
Journal of military pharmaco-medicine n
2. Methods.
Prospective, description study.
* Surgical technique:
Transplanted renals were put into right
iliac fossa after cleaning, the transplanted
renal vein is anastomosed end to side to
the external iliac vein, the transplanted renal
artery is anastomosed end to side to the
external iliac artery or common iliac artery.
* Ureteral preparing:
Evaluate the length of the ureters and
blood vessels nourishing the ureter, urethral
stretching at the head about 1 cm, cutting
beveled. Ureteral implants to vesica underwent
Lich-Grégoir technique with JJ stent.
Lich-Grégoir technique: Blend the
vesica with physiological saline solution
(the amount is based on vesical volume),
reveal the right front wall of the vesica,
incision of the bladder mucosa about
3 - 4 cm long. Open a small mucosal at
the distal end of the muscle cut. Sutures
02 at the proximal and distal end of the
ureter by vicril 5.0, JJ inoculation and
suture of the ureteral tract with the lining
of the vesical by vicril 5.0, the end suture
must include the mucosal vesica. Close the
ureteral tract lining of the ureters with vicril
5.0 to form 3 - 4 cm subcutaneous tunnel.
Place 02 continuous aspirators: 01 vascular endothelium, 01 ureterovesical mouth.
Figure 1: Ureterovesical implantation by Lich-Grégoir technique.
(a: Incision of the bladder mucosa; b and c: Completion of the running anastomosis suture
of the ureter end and the bladder mucosa; d, e, f: The anti-reflux-plasty sutures).
Treatment and follow-up patients from 1 to 3 months, JJ stent removed after 1 month.
Journal of military pharmaco-medicine n
1. The age of renal transplantation
There were 03 patients ≤ 20 year of age,
approximately 2.97%; 27 patients were from
21 to 30 year of age (26.73%); 34 patients
from 31 to 40 year of age (33.66%);
18 patients from 41 to 50 year of age
(17.82%), and 19 patients above 50 year
of age (18.82%).
The youngest patient was 12 year olds,
and oldest patient was 63 year olds. The
major age of patients who were transplanted
renal between 21 and 40 (60.39%).
2. The relative between donors and
There were 20.79% of donor-recipient
pairs (21 pairs) are related donors.
Unrelated donors pairs were main portion
(80 patients = 79.21%). This portion was
different from Le Anh Tuan et al (75% blood
line pairs) [3].
3. Ureterovesical implantation.
Table 1: The bladder capacity of the
The bladder capacity
of the recipients Number (%)
≥ 100 mL 84 83,17
< 100 mL 17 16,83
Average ± SD 171,51 ± 69,46 Min - max:
50 - 400
The volume bladder capacity of the
recipients was 171.51 ± 69.46 mL
(the lowest: 50 mL; the highest 400 mL).
Most cases of kidney transplants had
normal bladder capacity.
Table 2: Ureteral size of the kidney.
Ureters Right kidney (n = 57)
Left kidney
(n = 44) p-value
Length 14.71 ± 1.97 14.76 ± 2.1 0.898
Diameter 0.57 ± 0.54 0.45 ± 0.11 0.423
All kidneys had the ureter long enough to
graft, with a length of 8.5 - 11 cm. The mean
length and diameter of the bilateral kidney
ureter showed no difference with p > 0.05.
Table 3: Characteristics of transplanted
renal transplants.
Left (n = 44) Right (n = 57) Position of
the kidney n % n %
Total (%)
No reserve 43 97.73 1 1.75 44 (43.56)
Reserve 1 2.27 56 98.25 57 (56.44)
p-value < 0.0001*
There was a statistically significant
difference in the percentage of transplanted
renal transplants in the renal transplant
group. Specifically, almost the kidney from
the left did not need to be polarized when
placed in the right (97.73%). In contrast,
most of the right kidney (98.25%) must be
reversed when transplant.
The average time to perform this
technique was 23.98 minutes, minimum
was 12 minutes, and maximum was
50 minutes. Our results were similar with
other studies [1, 3]. Patients with bladder
volume ≥ 100 mL were shorter than those
in the bladder group (23.83 ± 7.98 and
24.71 ± 7.49 minutes). However, this
difference was not statistically significant
(p > 0.05).
Journal of military pharmaco-medicine n
4. Result after remove JJ.
After the operation, there were no urine
fistulas, ureteral necrosis complications,
one case needed to be re-ureterovesical
implantation because of ureteral stenosis
(0.99%), no vesicoureteral reflux complication.
In the 1970s, the complications of
urinary after renal transplantation were
usually high from 10 to 25%, depend on
each authors [8]. Ureteral complications
can induce transplatated renal unsuccess,
eventhough can affect to patient’s life [9].
Hence, this is very importance to choose
method and technique for ureterovesical
Previously, the technique for ureteral
implantation to recipient’s vesical (Politano -
Leadbetter) usually used in renal
transplantation because of frequency with
ureteral surgeons and the effect to protect
from of vesicoureteral reflux complication.
But this method had have high rate of
urinary complication because of too many
opened points on vesica in decrease immune
system of patients and long lasting to get
recover from the surgical operation.
Evenmore, the long surgical operative
time induced the high risk of urine fistula
complication, from 1 to 25% [2].
The ureterovesical technique out side
of vesica (Lich-Grégoir) with the advantage
of smaller of vesica open point. If so,
reducing infectious risk, urine fistulas,
and surgical operative time compared to
Politano-Leadbetter technique. Moreover,
underwent Lich-Grégoir technique, the
necessary of urinary length is shorter
than that, so minimizing the complication
of lacking blood for ureter, low rate of
urinary stenosis, and not require big value
of vesica like Politano-Leadbetter technique
However, the original of Lich-Grégoir
technique had high ureteral complications,
up to 13.3% and 10.3% were reported by
Pleases and Benoit, respectively [5]. Hence,
the Lich-Grégoir modified technique with
one JJ stent was applied to reduce the
urinary complications after the transplantation
like as urine fistulas, stenosis of the
ureterovesical implantation.
Our results showed that only one
patient had ureteral stenosis complication,
approximately 0.99%, no urine fistulas or
ureteral necrosis or vesicoureteral reflux
complications. Hoang Khac Chuan et al
(2010) reported 123 renal transplantation
patients, the ureterovesical implantation
underwent Lich-Grégoir technique with JJ
stent at Choray Hospital showed 3.3%
(4/123) of urinary complications [1].
Le Anh Tuan et al reported 100 renal
transplantation cases at 103 Military
Hospital had 2% of urine fistulas, and
1% of both urinary necrosis and urinary
stenosis complications. Elela (2007) reported
120 renal transplantation cases with
ureterovesical implantation underwent
Lich-Grégoir technique with JJ stent
showed 6.6% of the general urinary
complications, including 4/120 (3.3%) urinary
stenosis, 2/120 (2.5%) urine fistulas, and
1/120 (0.8%) vesicoureteral reflux [6].
There was no significantly differcence
between applying stent and non-stent
when doing ureterovesical implantation.
However, applying JJ stent is gradually
Journal of military pharmaco-medicine n
accepted because of significantly reduce
of urinary complications. The purpose of
applying JJ stent is to avoid ureter engle
blending, distortion or blocking from outside,
urinary stenosis, reduce pressure internal
ureter, avoid bloodless of the walls of
ureter, support urine fluently flow when
the ureterovesical implantation is swollen,
avoid urine fistulas through ureterovesical
implantation [1, 2, 4]. Pleases commonly
applies JJ stent for all renal transplantation
patients reported significantly reduce
urinary complications. Khauli et al (2001)
reported 300 renal transplantation cases
of ureterovesical implantation underwent
Lich-Grégoir technique with JJ stent without
urine fistulas and only 0.7% of urinary
stenosis. Similar to Mangus (2014), within
395 renal transplantations follow Lich-
Grégoir technique with JJ stent reported
1% urinary complications and recommended
using JJ stent for all renal transplantations
The time for remaining JJ stent depends
on authors: Benoit was 4 weeks [5]; Mangnus
was 1 - 12 weeks [7]. We usually remove
JJ stent after more than 1 month without
any complications that affect transplanted
Ureterovesical of Lich-Grégoir technique
with JJ stent was used for the first case at
Vietduc Hospital. Follow-up 101 cases
for renal transplantation that received
from living donor at Vietduc Hospital,
we concluded that Lich-Grégoir technique
is easy to perform with low rate of urinary
complications and should apply JJ stent
for all renal transplantation patients. The
result was not different in group reserver
or not reserve the kidney.
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5. Benoit G et al. Insertion of a double
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