Tài liệu Luyện thi toeic- Từ vựng theo chủ đề all work and no play: Từ vựng chủ đề: ALL WORK AND NO PLAY
1. relax /rI’lAks/ verb
1. [intransitive] to rest and allow yourself to become calm: thư giãn
Just sit down and try to relax for half an hour.
2. [transitive] to make rules, controls, conditions, etc. less strict: giảm nhẹ, buông
We could relax the procedure slightly in your case.
relaxation /,ri:lAk’seISn/ noun:
1. [count or uncount]: an activity or situation that makes it possible for you to rest
and enjoy yourself: sự nghỉ ngơi, sự giải trí
Fishing is his favorite relaxation.
2. [uncount] the process of making rules, controls, conditions, etc. more relaxed: sự
nới lỏng
relaxation of: the relaxation of travel restrictions
relaxed /rI’lAkst/ adjective
a relaxed smile, a relaxed style of teaching
relaxing /rI’lAksIN/ adjective
a long relaxing bath
2. go by phrasal verb[intransitive]
If time goes by, it passes: (thời gian) trôi qua
3. chore /tSc:r/ noun [count]
an ordinary job that must be do...
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Từ vựng chủ đề: ALL WORK AND NO PLAY
1. relax /rI’lAks/ verb
1. [intransitive] to rest and allow yourself to become calm: thư giãn
Just sit down and try to relax for half an hour.
2. [transitive] to make rules, controls, conditions, etc. less strict: giảm nhẹ, buông
We could relax the procedure slightly in your case.
relaxation /,ri:lAk’seISn/ noun:
1. [count or uncount]: an activity or situation that makes it possible for you to rest
and enjoy yourself: sự nghỉ ngơi, sự giải trí
Fishing is his favorite relaxation.
2. [uncount] the process of making rules, controls, conditions, etc. more relaxed: sự
nới lỏng
relaxation of: the relaxation of travel restrictions
relaxed /rI’lAkst/ adjective
a relaxed smile, a relaxed style of teaching
relaxing /rI’lAksIN/ adjective
a long relaxing bath
2. go by phrasal verb[intransitive]
If time goes by, it passes: (thời gian) trôi qua
3. chore /tSc:r/ noun [count]
an ordinary job that must be done regularly: việc vặt thường ngày
household domestic chores
4. unwind /Vn’waInd/ (past tense and past participle unwound /…/) verb
1. [intransitive] INFORMAL to begin to relax after you have been working hard or
feeling nervous: nghỉ ngơi, thư giản
Reading is a good way to unwind.
2. [intransitive or transitive] to become straighter or looser after being wrapped
around something else, or to make something do this: tháo ra, trải ra
She slowly unwound the scarf from around her neck.
5. get together phrasal verb [intransitive]
If people meet together, they meet in order to do something or to spend time
together: họp mặt
He got together with some friends to plan a party for her.
get-together noun [count]
an informal social occasion: cuộc họp mặt, cuộc gặp gỡ
We’re having a little get-together to celebrate David’s promotion.
6. instrument /’InstrCmCnt/ coun [count]
1. A tool or piece of equipment used in science, medicine, or technology: dụng cụ
scientific instruments such as microscopes
2. A musical instrument, for example a guitar or a piano.
Do you play an instrument?
7. flavor /’fleIvC(r)/ noun
1. [count]the particular taste that food or drink has: hương vị
have a flavor: The drink has a strong citrus flavor.
2. [uncount] a pleasant or strong taste: mùi vị
add flavor: Add flavor to your meal by using more herbs and garlic.
flavor /’fleIvC(r)/ verb [transitive]
To add something to food or drink that changes it taste: cho gia vị, thêm gia vị
Meat is strongly flavored with pepper.
flavoring /’fleIvCrIN/ noun [count or uncount]
A substance added to food or drink to give it a special flavor: đồ gia vị, hương
lemon/chocolate flavoring
8. excuse /Ik’skjU:z/ noun [count]
A reason you give to explain why you have done something bad, or why you have
not done something that you should have done: nguyên cớ, lý do
excuse for: What excuse did they give for the delay?
an excuse to do something: Emily was glad of an excuse to change the subject.
have an excuse: Joe was late, but as always he had an excuse.
make/give an excuse: He made some excuse about having a lot of work to do.
excuse /Ik’skjU:z / verb [transitive]
To forgive someone for something bad they have done, especially something that
is very not serious: thứ lỗi cho ai/ việc gì
excuse someone for (doing) something: I hope you’ll excuse us for leaving so early.
excuse me? (Spoken)
1. used for politely getting someone’s attention:
Excuse me, do you know what time it is?
2. used for showing you are sorry for interrupting someone:
Excuse me, but there’s a phone call for you.
3. AMERICAN used for asking someone to repeat something:
“How old are you?” “Excuse me?”
9. socialize /’sCUSClaIz / verb [intransitive]
To spend time with other people socially, for example at a party: hòa mình, hòa
nhập, xã hội hóa
He never socializes with people from work.
recent immigrants to the country who are not fully socialized
socialization /,sCUSClaI’zeISn/ noun [uncount]
The process in which people, especially young people, learn to behave in a way
that is accepted by society: sự hộ nhập
social /’sCUSCl/ adjective
relating to society or to people’s lives in generall: liên quan đến xã hội, thuộc về
xã hội
social justice/ change/ conditions
society /sC’saICtI / noun [uncount]
people in general living together in organized communities, with laws and
traditions controlling the way they behave toward one another: xã hội
Society has to be prepared to support its elderly people.
10. take it easy
1. INFORMAL to rest and not do things that will make you tired (=relax)
2. SPOKEN used for telling someone to be calm when they are upset or annoyed
3. SPOKEN used for saying goodbye to someone
11. present /’prezCnt/ noun
1[count] something that you give to someone, for example to celebrate a special
occasion such as a birthday: GIFT: tặng phẩm.
wedding/birthday/Christmas present: I’m going to buy a wedding present for
Chris and Karen.
wrap a present (=cover it in special paper): Yuki was wrapping a present for
her mother.
2 the present the period of time that is happening now: hiện tại
We must learn to live in the present, not in the past.
at present: now
At present, the outlook for any kind of negotiated solution appears bleak.
for the present used for saying that something exists or happens in the period
of time happening now but may not be permanent:
It was useless to talk about it any more, at least for the present.
12. present /’prezCnt / adjective
1[only before noun] existing or happening now: hiện thời.
The present situation cannot be allowed to continue.
the present day (=now): the history of Jamestown from the 17th century to the
present day
2 [never before noun] at an event, or in a place: có mặt.
I wasn’t present when Dr. Allott examined Clare.
present at: Among those present at the ceremony were Michael Sandel and
Carolyn Ewing.
present in: Both kinds of nucleic acid are present in all cells.
presently /’prezCntlI / adverb
1 OLD-FASHIONED soon: sớm, ngay chốc lát.
He’ll be with you presently.
2 FORMAL at the present time: hiện thời.
Presently, Rachel is heading our research group.
13. present /prI’zent/ verb
1 [transitive] to give something to someone formally or officially: trao tặng
present someone with something: We are very pleased to have been presented
with this prestigious award.
present something to someone: Finally the Mayor presented the medals to the
2 [transitive] to offer something for people to consider or judge: trình bày
The commission presented its report in October.
present something to someone: Barnes subsequently presented the case to a
meeting of the joint subcommittee.
3 [transitive] to show something such as a passport to someone in an official
position so that they can check it: đưa ra
present something to someone: He presented his passport to the guard for
4 [transitive] to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity: đặt ra,
bộc lộ
It was argued that the group’s activities presented a threat to national security.
present someone with something: Despite its free-market reforms, the
country still presents foreign investors with a challenge.
present a problem/difficulty: The task should present no difficulty for
someone with her experience.
5 [transitive] to introduce someone formally to someone else, especially to an
important person: giới thiệu.
Miss Abbott, may I present the author Anne Rice?
present someone to someone: They hovered around, hoping to be presented to
the celebrities.
presentation /,prIzen’teISn/ noun [count]
1 [count] a formal talk in which you describe or explain something to a group of
people: buổi diễn thuyết, thuyết trình
make/give a presentation (on something): I’m going to ask you each to make
a very short presentation.
2 [count] a performance of a play or other entertainment: buổi biểu diễn.
a two-hour presentation of Charlotte Brontë’s classic tale of love
14. outside /,CUt’saId/ function word
1 [adjective] not inside a building, not within a particular group or organization:
bên ngòai.
an outside toilet
We will need outside before we can finish.
2 [preposition]
You can park your car outside our house.
The matter is outside my area of responsibility.
3 [adverb] moving or looking out of somewhere
I walked over to the window and looked outside.
Let’s go outside and sit in the sun.
15. treadmill /’tredmIl/ noun
[count] a piece of exercise equipment with a flat moving surface that you walk
or run on while staying in the same place: máy chạy bộ.
16. get out phrasal verb
1 [intransitive] to go to different places and spend time enjoying yourself:
We don’t get out much, since we have a young baby.
2 [intransitive] used for telling someone to leave:
The teacher screamed at him to get out.
get out of: Get out of my house!
3 [transitive] to remove something that is inside or mixed with something else:
I washed the shirt twice, but I couldn’t get the stain out.
get something out of something: Mike got a sliver of glass out of Jenny’s toe.
17. outdoor /’CUt,dc:r/ adjective [only before noun]
1 done outside: ngòai trời, ở ngòai
outdoor activities such as walking and camping
outdoor pursuits
2 designed for or used outside, especially when camping, walking, etc.:
outdoor clothing/equipment
3 existing outside: OPEN-AIR:
an outdoor swimming pool/market
— opposite: INDOOR
outdoors /,Cut’dc:rz/ adverb: not in a building: OUTSIDE:
Their cat lives mainly outdoors.
— opposite INDOORS
18. sale /seIl/ noun
1 [count or uncount] the process of selling goods or services for money: việc bán
sale of: a prohibition on the sale of arms
make/lose a sale: I’m willing to lower the price in order to make a sale.
2 sales [plural] the total number of things that a company sells within a particular
period of time, or the money it earns by selling things: lượng bán được
We hope to increase sales this year to $50 million.
Sales are up for the month of May.
3 the activity of trying to sell products or services:
I’ve been in car sales for five years now.
for sale: available for people to buy: để bán
That particular item is not for sale.
on sale
1 available for people to buy: có bán
Tickets for the performance are on sale at the box office.
2 AMERICAN available for people to buy at a price that is less than the usual
price. British on offer: bán giảm giá
Bedding usually goes on sale in January.
19. graphic design /’grefIk dI’zaIn/ noun
[uncount] the art of designing pictures and TEXT for magazines,
advertisements, etc.: thiết kế đồ hoạ
graphic designer: noun [count]
20. nonstop /,nOn’stOp/ adjective
1 continuing without a pause: liên tục
nonstop entertainment from noon to midnight
2 going directly from one place to another: không dừng chặng nào
a nonstop flight from New York to Paris
nonstop adverb
We danced nonstop for about an hour.
21. meteorology /,.mi:tIC’rOlCdZI/ noun [uncount]
the scientific study of weather: khí tượhg học
meteorologist /,.mi:tIC’rOlCdZIst / noun [count]: nhà khí tượng học
meteorological /,.mi:tICrC’lOdZIkl / adjective
22. keep an eye on
to take care of someone or something: để mắt tới, trông chừng
Will you keep an eye on things here until I get back?
23. observation /,ObzCr’veISn/ noun
1 [uncount] the process of watching someone or something carefully, in order to
find something out: sự theo dõi, sự quan sát
She’s been admitted to the hospital for observation.
observation of: a detailed observation of the birds that visited the garden
2 under observation: being watched carefully by doctors or police officers
She remains under observation at a psychiatric facility.
3 [uncount] the ability to notice things: khả năng quan sát
powers of observation: Most children have great powers of observation.
4 [uncount] the practice of obeying a law, rule, or custom: sự tuân thủ (qui tắc,
luật lệ,…)
observation of: the observation of religious customs
observational adjective
observe / Cb’zE:v / verb
1 [transitive] FORMAL to notice someone doing something or something
happening: quan sát, theo dõi
Similar trends may be observed in most modern societies.
observe that: James had already observed that she was not listening.
observe someone/something doing something: I observed him putting the
watch into his pocket.
2 [transitive] to accept and obey something such as a rule or an agreement: tuân
thủ (qui tắc, luật lệ,…)
The proper procedures must be strictly observed.
Rebel forces say they will no longer observe the peace agreement.
observer noun [count]
24. report /rI’pc:t / verb
1 [transitive] to produce an official statement or written document about a
particular subject, especially after studying it carefully: báo cáo
The committee will report the results of its investigation tomorrow.
2 [transitive] to tell someone in authority about a crime, something dangerous,
etc.: từơng trình
Passers-by reported smoke coming from the abandoned factory.
report something to someone: If you see anything suspicious, you must report
it to the appropriate authorities.
report doing something: Witnesses reported hearing a loud noise before the
airplane crashed.
3 [intransitive or transitive] to give information about something in a news article
or broadcast: tường thuật
The story was reported differently on every channel.
report on: Three CNN journalists were sent to report on the conflict.
report that: Our sources have reported that the president had lost control of the
report: noun
1 [count] a spoken summary or written document that gives information about a
particular subject, situation, or event: bản báo cáo, bản tường trình
According to the police report, the victim died of a knife wound.
the company’s annual report
report on: We have to write a short report on the conference.
2 [count] a piece of information about an event, that may or may not be true: bản
report of: We’re getting reports of a fresh outbreak of fighting in the region.
report that: The hospital refused to confirm reports that the nurses are
considering a strike.
reporter /rI’pc:tCr/ noun
[count] someone whose job is to write articles or make broadcasts about events
in the news: JOURNALIST: phóng viên
SYNONYMS report » description » story » account
» version
These are all words for a written or spoken account of events.
» report a written or spoken account of an event, especially one that is published or
broadcast: Are these newspaper reports true?
» description a piece of writing or speech that says what sb / sth is like: The catalogue
gives a full description of each product.
» story an account, often spoken, of what happened to sb or of how st happened; a report
of events in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcast: It was many years before the full
story was made public.
» account a written or spoken description of st that has happened: She gave the police a
full account of the incident.
A report is always of recent events, especially news. An account may be of recent or
past events.
» version a description of an event from the point of view of a particular person or group
of people: She gave us her version of what had happened that day.»
25. idea /aI’dIC/ noun
1 [count] a thought that you have about how to do something or how to deal with
something: ý nghĩ, ý tưởng
What a brilliant idea!
idea for: an idea for a new TV show
have an idea: Then I had an idea: We could stay with Mark.
get an idea for something: Where do you get the ideas for your stories?
have /get the idea of doing something: Then she got the idea of sending the
poems to a publisher.
2 [singular or uncount] information or knowledge that you have about something:
ý niệm, khái niệm, sự hiểu biết qua
idea of: I had only a basic idea of how the machine worked.
have no idea (=not know at all): They had no idea what time they were
supposed to arrive.
26. come and go
1 to arrive at a place and then leave it:
The woman in the apartment downstairs has people coming and going at all
2 to be present or happen for a limited time and then stop:
The pain in my leg comes and goes.
(Chân tôi bị đau rồi lại khỏi.)
Governments come and go but does anything really change?
(Các chính phủ thành lập rồi lại suy tàn nhưng thật sự có thay đổi gì không?)
27. loft /lOft/ noun
[count] a space under the roof of a building, often used for storing things: gác
28. up /Vp/ B function word
Up can be used in the following ways:
as an adverb:
Their voices could be heard up in our room.
Mary looked up at him.
I stood up.
as a preposition:
He climbed up the steps.
I set off up the road.
as an adjective:
the up escalator
after the verb “to be”:
He was up early the next morning.
Food prices are up.
I knew something was up.
1 in or toward a higher / upright position
Could you help me carry this old trunk up to the attic?
The dog stopped with its ears up and nose twitching.
2 moving near to someone/something moving near to someone or something and
then stopping
One of the salespeople came up and asked if she could help.
up to: Two women ran up to us, shouting in Spanish.
Just go up to him and say hello.
3 when an amount increases
Total new car sales were up $3 million over last year.
go up: Early last month, fuel prices went up by 3 percent.
4 not in bed awake and out of bed
We were up bright and early the next morning.
Get up! It’s almost 10:00.
I was up till midnight preparing the presentation.
29. night shift /naIt SIft/ noun
1 [count] the period of time that people work at night, instead of working during
the day: ca đêm
— opposite DAY SHIFT (DAY)
be on the night shift: Dan’s on the night shift.
2 [singular] the people who work during the night
30. volunteer /,vOlVn’tICr/ noun
1 [count] someone who offers to do something without being forced: tình nguyện
viên, người xung phong
Can I have a volunteer to erase the chalkboard, please?
volunteer for: Doctors need 50 healthy volunteers for the diet.
volunteer verb
[intransitive] to offer or choose to do something without being forced: tình
volunteer to do something: An accountant volunteered to help with the wildlife
sanctuary’s accounts.
volunteer for: Thirty-two patients volunteered for the research study.
voluntary /’vOlCntrI/ adjective
1 a voluntary action is done because you choose to do it, and not because you
have to: tình nguyện
an attractive package to encourage voluntary early retirement
The advertising of alcoholic drinks is regulated by a voluntary code.
— opposite MANDATORY
voluntarily /’vOlCntrClI / adverb
Did he do it voluntarily, or did you make him?
31. range /reIndZ/ noun
[count] a number of different things that are of the same general type: loại
a wide range of: đủ loại
We stock a wide range of office furniture.
32. delicious /dI’lISCs/ adjective: with a very pleasant taste or smell: thơm, ngon
This sauce is delicious with fish or vegetables.
The fruit tasted delicious.
absolutely/simply/quite delicious: The cheese is soft and white and absolutely
deliciously adverb
a deliciously creamy dessert
33. mind /maInd / verb
1 [intransitive or transitive usually in negatives or questions] to feel annoyed,
upset, or unhappy about something: phản đối, cảm thấy phiền lòng
I don’t mind the heat (=the heat is not a problem to me).
not mind somebody doing something: I wouldn’t mind him staying if he
helped around the house.
mind if: Do you mind if we use my car tonight?
not mind doing something: I don’t mind going if no one else wants to.
2 [transitive] AMERICAN to obey someone, especially a parent or teacher: vâng
You’d better mind me, or you’re going to your room!
do you mind? or if you don’t mind SPOKEN used for getting someone’s permission
to do something
Do you mind?! I was sitting there!
If you don’t mind, I’d rather we wait until tomorrow.
would you mind used for asking politely for something
would you mind doing something: Would you mind closing that window?
would you mind if: Would you mind if I brought a friend to the party?
Never mind SPOKEN used for telling someone not to feel upset about something,
because you do not think it is important enough to worry about: không sao cả,
đừng bận tâm
“We’ve missed the show!” “Never mind, we can go next week.”
34. dishes /’dISIs/ noun
[plural] the plates, pans, etc. that have to be washed after preparing and
serving a meal: chén dĩa.
do/wash the dishes: rửa chén bát
Who’s going to do the dishes?
35. laundry /’lc:ndrI/ noun
1 [uncount] dirty clothes that you are washing, or clean clothes that have just been
washed: quần áo đưa giặt hoặc quần áo đã giặt xong
do the laundry (=wash clothes): I do the cooking and my husband does the
2 [count] a business that washes and IRONS clothes: tiệm giặt ủi
36. garbage /’go:bIdZ/ noun
[uncount] waste material that you are throwing away, for example spoiled food
or empty containers. British usually rubbish: rác
take out the garbage: đổ rác
garbage bag noun
[count] AMERICAN a large plastic bag used for holding garbage: túi đựng rác
garbage can noun
[count] AMERICAN a large deep container with a lid that you keep outside for
holding garbage that is ready to be collected. British dustbin: thùng rác
37. mop /mop/ noun
[count] an object with a long handle and a mass of thick strings or a SPONGE
on one end, used for washing floors: cây lau nhà
mop verb
[intransitive or transitive] to wash a floor using a mop: lau, chùi
Don’t go in the kitchen, I’ve just finished mopping the floor.
38. sweep /swi:p/ (past tense and past perfect swept /swept/) verb
[intransitive or transitive] to clean a floor, the ground, or another surface using a
BROOM (=brush with a long handle): quét
After you’ve swept, you can wash the dishes.
Her work consisted mainly of making coffee and sweeping the floor.
I want you to sweep up the garage.
sweep / swi:p/ noun [singular] an act of sweeping something: sự quét dọn
sweeper / swi:pCr / noun [count] a person or machine that sweeps a place clean,
especially a street.
I eventually got a job as a road sweeper.
39. vacuum /’vAkju:m/ verb
[intransitive or transitive] to clean a room using a vacuum cleaner: hút bụi
vacuum cleaner noun
[count] a piece of electrical equipment that cleans floors by sucking up dirt: máy
hút bụi
40. throw /TrCU/ (past tense threw /Tru:/; past participle thrown /TrCUn /) verb
[intransitive or transitive] to use your hand to send an object through the air:
ném, vứt, quăng, liệng
I’ll throw the ball and you try to catch it.
throw something at someone/something: Some kids were throwing stones at
the windows.
throw something to someone: Each child throws a ball to their partner.
throw someone something: Can you throw me that rope?
throw up phrasal verb
[intransitive or transitive] INFORMAL if you throw up or throw something up,
food and drink comes back up from your stomach and out of your mouth:
VOMIT: nôn, mửa
I feel terrible, I’ve been throwing up all night!
She ate a good breakfast then threw it all back up
41. mix up phrasal verb
1 [transitive] to think that one person or thing is another person or thing:
MISTAKE FOR: nhầm lẫn
mix up with: I think I’m mixing him up with someone else.
They look so alike that it’s easy to mix them up.
2 [transitive] to put things together without any order: làm lộn xộn
I sorted all the papers and you’ve mixed them up again.
42. goof /gu:f/ verb [intransitive] AMERICAN goof or goof up to make a stupid mistake:
phạm một lỗi lầm ngu ngốc
43. get to do something
[intransitive or transitive never passive] to have the opportunity or be able to do
Did you get to visit the Vietnam Memorial when you were in Washington?
Her brothers went out a lot, but Lisa never got to go.
44. stand /stAnd/ verb
[transitive] (usually in negatives or questions) to be able to accept and deal with
something unpleasant: BEAR: chịu đựng
How do you stand him being here all the time?
can’t stand somebody: I can’t stand his brother.
can’t stand something: I can’t stand the sight of blood.
can’t stand doing something: She couldn’t stand being kept waiting.
can’t stand somebody doing something: I can’t stand people interrupting all
the time.
45. trumpet /’trVmpIt / noun
[count] a musical instrument that is a curved metal tube with a wide end. You
play it by blowing into it as you press buttons on the top: kèn trompet
46. annoy /C’ncI: / verb
[transitive] to make someone feel slightly angry or impatient: IRRITATE: làm
bực mình, quấy rầy
I don’t dislike her, but she just annoys me sometimes.
It annoyed her to think that she had trusted him.
it annoys someone that/when/how etc.: It really annoys me when you don’t
listen to what I’m saying.
annoyance /C’ncIents/ noun
1 [uncount] a slightly angry or impatient feeling: sự làm phiền, sự quấy rầy
Shaking his head in annoyance, Patrick left the room.
to someone’s annoyance: To her surprise and annoyance, Lisa found that the
others had gone without her.
2 [count] something that makes you feel slightly angry: điều phiền muộn
annoyed /C’ncId / [adjective] feeling slightly angry or impatient: bực mình
I couldn’t see her face, but she sounded pretty annoyed.
get annoyed (with someone): The kids wouldn’t stop talking, and I was
beginning to get annoyed with them.
annoyed at/about/with: We were all annoyed with him for forgetting.
annoyed (that): I was really annoyed that I hadn’t been invited.
annoying /C’ncIIN/[adjective] making you feel slightly angry or impatient: phiền toái
an annoying habit/problem
What’s really annoying is that we made the same mistake last time.
annoyingly adverb
47. yuck /jVk/ interjection
used for saying that you think someone or something is dirty, ugly, or
unpleasant: kinh quá, khiếp quá
Oh, yuck! It’s slimy!
48. allowance /C’lCUents/ noun
[count] an amount of money that someone receives regularly, in order to pay for
the things they need: tiền trợ cấp
She receives a monthly allowance of $500.
a housing/clothing allowance (=money given to help people with their rent,
clothes, or heating): The overseas placement includes a housing allowance.
49. recess /rI’ses/ noun
[count] AMERICAN a period between school classes when students can eat,
rest, or play. British break: giờ giải lao
recess: verb [intransitive] to have a recess between periods of work: giải lao
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