Tài liệu Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows tự động: Lê Tuấn Anh
Danh sách 1 sô thứ cần thiết:
1. CD bộ càl Windows XP(windows khác cũngdc)
2. File Deploy.cap chứa trong CD ->SUPPORT->tools->Deploy.cap
3. 1 đĩa CD trắng
4. File bootfile.zip đính kèm
5.Nero 6.6
Chú ý:
*con trỏ màu vàng là của tôi sử dụng,màu xanh là bạn có thể chọn
*đối với mỗi CD windows đều chứa Deploy.cap của chính nó ,cál này tôi dùng
Deploy.cap đối với windows XP(các windows khác làm tương tự)
Phầnl : Tạo files winnt.sif và winnt.bat
Đầu tiên bạn copi bộ cài của windows vào thư mục (tạo mới C:\CD\bocai) và giải nén
bootfile.zip vào C:\CD.
Tiếp theo cẩn chạy setupmgr.exe(khi g iả i nén Deploy.cap s ẽ thấy nó).
File Edit View Favorites Tools Help
□ m a
Q] \
Uf deploy, chm
=] readme.txt
l^ setupmgr.chm
2j2jsysprep.exe *
110 object(s) 2 .05 MB y i My Computer
màn chào hỏi hiện ra
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
I ) Windows Srhip M...
27 trang |
Chia sẻ: Khủng Long | Lượt xem: 1154 | Lượt tải: 0
Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang mẫu tài liệu Hướng dẫn cài đặt Windows tự động, để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Lê Tuấn Anh
Danh sách 1 sô thứ cần thiết:
1. CD bộ càl Windows XP(windows khác cũngdc)
2. File Deploy.cap chứa trong CD ->SUPPORT->tools->Deploy.cap
3. 1 đĩa CD trắng
4. File bootfile.zip đính kèm
5.Nero 6.6
Chú ý:
*con trỏ màu vàng là của tôi sử dụng,màu xanh là bạn có thể chọn
*đối với mỗi CD windows đều chứa Deploy.cap của chính nó ,cál này tôi dùng
Deploy.cap đối với windows XP(các windows khác làm tương tự)
Phầnl : Tạo files winnt.sif và winnt.bat
Đầu tiên bạn copi bộ cài của windows vào thư mục (tạo mới C:\CD\bocai) và giải nén
bootfile.zip vào C:\CD.
Tiếp theo cẩn chạy setupmgr.exe(khi g iả i nén Deploy.cap s ẽ thấy nó).
File Edit View Favorites Tools Help
□ m a
Q] \
Uf deploy, chm
=] readme.txt
l^ setupmgr.chm
2j2jsysprep.exe *
110 object(s) 2 .05 MB y i My Computer
màn chào hỏi hiện ra
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
I ) Windows Srhip Manager W)7ard
W elcome to the W indows Setup
M anager W izard
'N ỉ Preimtollycn Wizard w l htfpycu to crtci eronlial
Hlonnation r»«ted to automate prein^alatbn gelup I«
V/hdcw» on yaw computas.
Ĩ o certir*». dck Newi.
[ ^ * r'Ti Canee* j
N e w o r F m a tin g A n s w e r F ile
A n anĩive i its lelh; Setup how to nstal! and conltçjuie W*idov4S.
Do you want to ơ eate a now answer f te Of rrodify an existing DTio'*
(?•-, Create a new answer file
(^ M o d ify an e x iîtn g ansvAïf fil
- --.'-to Mr nr.rr.r. fit ; .^r t i -
< Back I tJext » f - j C a r te l I Help
click next đ ể ưếp tụcchọn Creat a new answer file
chọn tiếp Windows Unattended Installation. Click Next.
^ Windows Setup Manager Wizard
Product to Install
Which product does this answer file install?
This answer file is for:
(R Windows Unattended Installation
v ,r
Sysprep Install
c Remote Installation Services
Cancel Help
lựa chọn đúng với phiên bản windows bạn có
(chú ý: Windows 2000 sẽ làm việc với Windows Professional).
Click Next.
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
chOn tiê'p Fully Automated. Click Next.
Lê Tuân Anh
9 Windows Setup Manager Wizard
Which pJalfam cfces tte «rawer file instad to?
Select (he platform ths artsw» Ne installs.
ij^Wndows XP ücme Edhon
(j^Wrdows XP Professional
C WnjJows 21302 Server, Advanced Seivei, 01 Data Centei
<fiack Heb
f | Windows Setup Manager Wizard
User Interaction Level
Do you war* users to provrfe intormaticn d-rng Windows Setic?
Selec* the level cf user nter acton during Wndow Setup:
C Provide defaults
^ F u ly automated
H$je pages
^ Read only
f* GUI attended
- Desciiption------
Whdom Setup does not exempt the use* for any answers. You suppty cil requred
answers m the answei fie
^ ~| Help
dén day ban cö the chon tao file vào thu1 mue mà ban cö bô càl sân trên o cuhg,tôl
chon tao cho CD nhlf hinh. Click Next.
f t Windows Setup Manager Wizard
Distribution Folder
You c a n crea te a distribution folder to further customize your installations.
The Setup M anager wizard c a n crea te a distribution folder on your computer or network
with the required W indows source files. You can then add files to further customize
your installations. For example, you c a n supply additional device drivers for use with
W indows.
Do you want to crea te or modify a distribution folder?
C Y es, crea te or modify a distribution folder
No, this answ er file will be used to install from a CD
^ | Cancel Help
dông y vöi dang kÿ EULA. Click Next.
Hiiông dân càl windows tu" dông
Le Tuan Anh
l ic e n x e A cjieenent
Do you x c c s l the temv, of Ihc Uccme Agreement fee W n icm ?
You chose lo t j y «JIOTES (he ircldblnn ol Windows Ĩ o UM Ih i cpion. you muni
accapt the lermî o' Ihr End Utet Leen» Ageeméol (EULA; â-;d any Micsoäcft ícense
aciesmetTỉ >ou have for Ihe veiîon of Whdow» you wart lo h ỉta l
Fc« fToieir/oimciitti ãbcư Ihe EULA. coriîükyoïf ổccurín iácn or you MÍCIOĨOÍI
lesree agrearo-it.
To coraros wfchSetip Mará;«. íetect ¡te feflemtng check box. srứ then cid-. Next
R I jeeept Ihc tçimî c< tt-e LiCCTiỉ* Aírecme-il
Nhập vào User Name và Organization của bạn. Click Next.
f $ Windows Setup Manager
File Help
B General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
Time Z one
Providing the Product Key
S Network Settings
Licensing Mode
•••• Computer Nam es
Administrator Passw ord
Networking Components
W orkgroup or Domain
B A dvanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run O nce
Additional Commands
Customize the Software
You ca n customize the installation of W indow s by providing a default nam e and
Type the default nam e and organization you want to use. If you leave these boxes
blank, the nam e and organization will not be specified in the answ er file.
Your Name
Organization Name
kJ Cancel Help
chọn chế độ cho màn hình của bạn ,cál này windows sẽ tự làm nhuhg để cho nhanh
(chọn như hình vẽ). Click Next.
Hii6ng dan cal windows tu" dong
Lê Tuấn Anh
G ộf«aí Sc#ịr<j5
; Cusfoméethe Sdtvwïô
Display Seỉlngs
: TmsZore
Ptovđro the PloJuct Kdy
£- Netmik Settnçji
: Licensing Mode
Corpxei Nome?
: Adrnetidtot Patswoid
: Nehxcriùng Corrpnrím
Wokaiouî Cl Dcmãi
I E- Ailva-icwl Sellriaï
: Tefephnry
RegcnaJ Setting
; LaryjàU«
: Drew:« and Shell Seilng:
InsWlyion Feld«
j lmtálPĩirt*e
; Rif) Orcr
Addborul Ccmrftyiete
Display Sfllu tuv
V^ndowiwllbe h ;W M w'lhthc ci'p'oy »!tr»3ỉy<u sptscify
Setecï àifiiv iÉtoroî lw I t* detfoabon ccmou«;.
Coton; |HghCdoip6 till
Screen aiea 1102* X ?E8
Befiehl lieQjency:
To cuslcmue dsptay «rfln jt, c ỉ:k Cuilw.
~ 3
chọn Time Zone ,cál này nên chọn Hà nội nhỉ và click Next.
Windows Setup Manager
File Help
B General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
T ime Z one
Providing the Product Key
B Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer N am es
Administrator Passw ord
Networking Components
W orkgroup or Domain
B A dvanced Settings
|” Telephony
Regional Settings
j- Languages
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
R un O nce
Additional Commands
Time Zone
W indows will be installed with the time zone se ttn g you specify.
Select a time zone for the destination computers.
Time zone:
|(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
J \ Cancel Help
nhập vào số đăng ký của bạn có ưong CD hoặc ngoài vỏ CD . Click Next.
chý ý: nhập cho đúng số CD Key.ở windows 2000 và windows 2003 không có ô này
bạn phải thêm vào sau khi hoàn thành
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
9 Windows Setup Manager
File Help
0 General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
Time Z one
Providing the Product Key
Ệ Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer N am es
Administrator Passw ord
Networking Components
W orkgroup or Domain
H A dvanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run O nce
Additional Commands
Providing the Product Key
The Product Key identifies your copy of Windows.
Type the Product Key for the com puters you want to set up. You need a separa te
license for e a c h copy of W indow s you install.
Product Key:
|ABC12 - |A B C 1 2 - |A B C 1 2 - |A B C 1 2 - |A B C 1 2
Cancel Help
chọn sô lượng máy con (đối với server). Click Next.
Eb beto
Gcrrf.y SetóFQj
Cuätwniiethe ScAwcra
Dijptsy Seilhgs
Rovdro the ftodutí Kdy
E- NetworkSettnjs
Licensing Mode
Corpjtei Name?
üxb-riBlrdlor Password
Nehxcriung Componente
W okfltcw Cl Doner»
- AövaicedSeliriß«
Rcgicrof Scftroî
ütOfj¡ti <nd SbHlSeitrej:
IrnMlvcn Fddet
Instad Prirtefé
Hin Orce
A/Hlianfll Ccmrnandi
Vcu can Ibcrgtt *etwi ty «Meurent connection :t by ¡M3»
the ¡» e tw a mode you Wert. :cuäeori Ibe server* >»J an iíttrìQ up.
^Pơ iffx er
Eds* arniecticfi (TUÜ hâve Ils o m Cfer* A ccm Liceme.
N ullt« ol ccncurwil connectant:
i^P e fio a t
Each cv p ư .e t must have t í Cwn Oiso! Acew» L cense.
I Cane H I Heb I
Nhập vào tên máy(chú ý trùng tên đối với phòng máy nhiều máy). Click Add. Click
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
K W indow s S e tu p M a na g e r
File Help
E3 General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
T ¡me Zone
Providing the Product Key
dD Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer Names
Administrator Password
Networking Components
Workgroup or Domain
El Advanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run Once
Additional Commands
m a l
C om puter Nam es
Assign a name to each destination computer.
Type the name of each destination computer, and then click Add.
To import computer names from a text file (1 computer name per line), click Import
Computer name:
1 b
ồ d d ^ 1
Computers to be installed:
Computer_Name import...
FT Automatically generate computer names based on organization name. An
^ Organization must be specified for this option to be available
Cancel Help
Nhập vào m ật khẩu và khai lạ i m ật khẩu(nên để trắng đặt sau). Click Next.
Windows Setup Manager
File Help
General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
T ime Zone
Providing the Product Key
Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer Names
Administrator Password
Networking Components
Workgroup or Domain
Advanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run Once
Additional Commands
Administrator Password
Specify a password for the Administrator account on the destination computers.
Choose how to set the Administrator password on the computers you are setting up.
Use the Allowing Administrator password (127 characters maximum):
Passworl |
Confirm password:
£ncr/pt administrator password in answer file
R When the computer starts, automatically log on as Administrator
Number :>f times to auto logon:
1^ 1 Cancel Help
Bây bạn chọn cài đặt cho network có thể chọn chọn Typical Settings. Hoăc bạn có thể
chọn Customize Settings đặt các thuộc tính cho Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Le Tuan Anh
W indows Setup M anager
File Help
m * ] |
El General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
Time Zone
Providing the Product Key
0 Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer Names
Administrator Password
Networking Components
Workgroup or Domain
E3 Advanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run Once
Additional Commands
Networking Components
T 0 add à component, click Add.
Typical Settings
^Select to install TCP/IP, enable DHCP, and install the Client for Microsoft Networks
protocol for each destination computer.
Customize Settings
u I Client for Microsoft Networks
¿ 3 File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
V “ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Add. Remove
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The default wide area network
protocol that provides communication across diverse interconnected networks.
Cancel Help
nhap IP, Subnet Mask va, DNS .
Click OK.
OP I n t e r n e t P r o t o c o l ( T C P /I P ) P r o p e r t i e s
G e n e ra l |
Y o u c a n g e t IP s e ttin g s a s s ig n e d a u to m a tic a lly if y o u r n e tw o rk s u p p o rts
th is c a p a b ility . O th e rw is e , y o u n e e d to a s k y o u r n e tw o rk a dm in is tra to r for
th e a p p ro p r ia te IP se ttings .
O b ta in a n IP a d d re s s a u to m a tic a lly
U s e th e fo llo w in g IP address :
IK a dd re ss : !
S u b n e t m a sk :
D e fa u lt g a te w a y :
I 10 . 10 . 10 . 2
I 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 0
n r 10 10
^ \ U s e th e fo llo w in g D N S s e rv e r add resses:
P rim ary D N S se rver:
S e c o n d a ry D N S se rve r:
n o " 10 10
I 10 . 10 10
A d v a n c e d . ..
O K ] C a n c e l
Hirdng dan cal windows tu* dong
kết thúc cài đặt Network.
chọn Workgroup hoặc Domain Server.
nhập Workgroup hoặc Tên miền.
Click Next.
Lê Tuấn Anh
S Windows Setup Manager
frfe t*p
s- Gen«<i' SetfcrtR
Cuìlơr.ce the Scftwve
Ptovdng the Ptoduct Kej>
- Noiimik ScKiỴỊì
bcaróio Mode
L'cr-puîei Name:
¿jdrôijlifitf Poiîwoid
Netacriürig Couponed
WokgiCMB CI Dänen
b Advanced Sellhgs
Rtocrii S«V;IUÍ
Browm and s Mi Seìirgỉ
Iriiialâ'.cn Fdd«
InsWI FVirlerî
Adjikmd Ccmnanổỉ
Workgtoup or Donum
Tte deration contOöii nặ, beícra lo a MKkoroup a a domárt.
Mow wll H*? deslhalnn corpuỉei: Ciftcbsie in a netwak?
<Ị.. W akgiap
fj^V/njlwc Swv« daman
•po'sôÿà- ÍỈÍS1 ¿đi ife 4 cm Wt.
Ujrtrvrrvr j
^sr.ptwid j
fl”' > 1.1
cài đặt Dialup.click Next (nếu không muốn cài đặt thì đ ể nguyên click Next)
Windows Setup M anager
Eile Help
B General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
T ime Zone
Providing the Product Key
¿1 Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer Names
Administrator Password
Networking Components
Workgroup or Domain
B Advanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run Once
Additional Commands
m a l
T e lephony
Provide information about your current location so that your calls can be dialed
What country/region are you in?
j United States of America
What area (or city) £ode are you in?
If you ¿ial a number to access an outside line, what is it?
The phone system at this location uses:
I Do not specify this setting
■ 3
c Back I Next > 1^ I Cancel Help
cài đặt Regional Settings. Click Next khi hoàn thành.
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
Eb bdp
G Scttros
; CiiỉUxrũeths Sdtvvaô
: D 11 play Seìlng:
: TrnoZor«
Fío%' d ro the Rodutí Kdy
S- Netwjtk Settnçjs
: Uccnáng Mode
Gorpưei Ncme«
Reuiund SeltinuK
You can cuítottix VAxbws fix diffèrer í ĩcdorứ uni '-.yïjuĩ&ii
the leôcnÿ «ettHg» 1« the Whdow» veiãcn you aie iflîialro
r ,:y ,i ,u M.',
r ítco ly ĩcộcrti « 11*52 n the .yîîWM file
: Nehxctkirg ComparerVí ’ ’ 1
Wokgtcu) a Dccnãi
E Ađva-ic«] Sellhfl* r Q jà ciïîo f'.c ffîW lyỊữóbi- 1
Rcõcraỉ S«wjrộ5
: D(OA>:ei and SheilSetlng:
Inaaflaïion FcMc»
Rui ü rc t
¿ddHorol Ccmnwnd*
►, 1 Cancel 1 Heb 1
1 “
chọn Language(ngôn ngữ Vietnamese). Click Next
£ W indow s S e tu p M a na g e r
File Help
B General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
Time Zone
Providing the Product Key
0 - Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer Names
Administrator Password
Networking Components
Workgroup or Domain
0 - Advanced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser and Shell Settings
Installation Folder
Install Printers
Run Once
Additional Commands
H 0 3
You can add support for other languages.
From the following list, select any additional language groups you want to use.
Language groups:
ụ Cancel Help
lựa chọn trình duyệt Internet Explorer như hình. Click Next.
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Le Tuän Anh
c s
G ộ f «oí Sc#ịr<j5
; Cuätariielhä Scftwïô
Display Seìlrtg:
T m Zo ro
Ptovđro the PloJuct Kdy
S- Netmik Settnçjs
: Licensing Mode
Corpxei Name«
: Adrnetidtot Patỉtvoid
: Nehxe«king Corrpnrím
Wakfli0U3 Cl Dcmãi
I E- AiIvîTicwI Sellriaï
: Tefephnry
Rcócrvý Setór03
; UnCMdfl«
Bio/;:ei and ShrflSeilng:
InsWtaton Feld«
j IriUálFVtrteft
; Rif) Orce
Addborul Ccmrftyiete
Bill Wie« and S h«l Sötünu*
Sebjp M ono« can cutfofirâ the s iw « i îTid îh fl wst;h3? foi WrdDWî.
Which eusiancỉãiõn meitod ÚO you wartf lou»?
Ure çWaok Internet Exsbd seUnpt
L^üie «n iuioc»r(Í3«3rcn íữipí CV&I>1 fcy ihcUiicml ExDiyçiAàrhtfîafonK't 10
•veortuuô ycw tfô-Â9i
f^ ln s iv d js l/ speolv picwy and dïletil horre paqe ỉcíngi
Lựa chọn thư mục cài đặt windows . Click Next
^ T F I
01© fcMp
In s ta lla tio n Foldei
You can specify the folder into which Windows should be installed.
On the destination computéis, install Windows into:
A, folder named Windows
uniquely named folder generated by Setup
C This fold»:
[ ^ I Cancel Help
E] General Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
Time Z o n e
Providing the Product Key
N etw ork Settings
Licensing M ode
Computer Nam es
Administrator Password
Networking Components
W orkgroup or Domain
A d van ced Settings
T elephony
Regional Settings
Browser «r>d Shell Setting«
Installation Folder
InstaH Printers
R un O nce
Additional Commands
f t W indow s S etu p M a n a g e r
nếu bạn muốn tự động cài đặt máy in trong mạng nội bộ. Click Next.
Hiíóng dán cal windows tu" dpng
Lê Tuấn Anh
f fc W indows Setup M anager
File Hdp
B Geneíal Settings
Customize the Software
Display Settings
Time Zone
ProvKing the Product Key
] Network Settings
Licensing Mode
Computer Names
Adnwûîlrator Password
Networking Components
Woikgroup Of Domain
I ! Advanced Settings
Regwnal Settings
Browser and Shell Sellings
Instalation Folder
In r fa l Printers
Run Once
Additional Commands
Install Printers
You can set up the automatic installation of nelwwk pnntets on the destination
To automatically insỉal a network printer the first time a user logs on after Setup, tj*)e
the printer name m Ihe folowing box, and then cfcck Add The usef must have
appropriate network permissions to access the printef
Ngtwork printer narrte
Install Ihese printer
ß e r c v e -
< ßack Next Cancel Help
bạn có thể cho copi thêm file mà bạn cần. Click Next.
File Help
R u n O n ce
Y o u c a n configure W indow s to automatically run a com m and the fiist time a user logs
T o se< up a comm and to tun automatically the first time a user logs on . type the
com m and r * th e following box, and then click A d d
Com m and to run:
I ____* dd \ \
R un these commands:
B groove |
K I C ancel I H elp
El- G eneral Settings
Customize th e Software
Display Settings
Tim e Z o n e
ProvK Íng th e Product K ey
T N etw ork Settings
Licensing M o de
Compute« N am es
Admintstratof Password
N etw orking Components
W orkgroup Of Dom ain
A d v a n c e d b>e*tr>QS
T elephony
R egional Settings
L anguages
Browser an d S hell Settings
Instaẵabon Fc4der
Instafl Pnntecs
R un O n c e
Additional C ommands
^ Windows Setup Manager
Đánh lệnh cần chạy vào . Click Next.
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Le Tuän Anh
Eb tsJp
Aüüitiuridl Commands
You can add c*irrrvmds tt>a» vxil auicmafcaly fun y the end of uuttcnded Seiup
Youcan run u j lob» lojsedon. Typ«the
cirmend n the box bsbA, and Ihen dek A id
Command te nn
I _
Cotrtneni ist
N a tU j> |
< Ba:k | Frnti|x | Cancd | Hefr |
fr Gecetj Settros
• Cuätoriieths Scftwae
: Display Swing!
: TrnoZor«
Fio%' örc the fioduct Kay
£- Netw>tk Settngs
: Licensing Mode
Corpj^ei Name«
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Wokflioto ci Dcmer>
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Rcgcrv* SdDro3
• LariwaS«
: Dnxvsei and Shell Setlngs
InsWlyicn Feld«
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; Rinürrce
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Den day ban chon ten file can tao lä winnt.sif d e chlfOng cän goi nhanh. Khi hoän
thanh no se tao ra 2 file winnt.bat vä winnt.sif (dl/öng dän d e save file
chü y : chon dl/öng dän väo nOI mä ban chl/a bo cal
Eile Edit View F avorites Tools tlelp
Address j \cd\i386\
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IL » . M y Com puter
HlTÖng dän cäl windows tu" döng
Lê Tuấn Anh
Bạn sẽ dược thông báo là hoàn thành.
chú ý: bạn cẩn chỉnh sửa file winnt.bat như dưới đ ể có th ể chạy được từ CD
1 SỊị winnt.bat - Notepad - Ini xl
File Edit Form at View Help
©rem setupMgrTag
©echo üff
set AnswerFile=.\winnt. s i f
set SetupFi1es = . ỲĨ386
r . \ i 386\w înnt32 /s:%SetupFi1es% /unàttend:%AnswerFi1e% /copysource:lang
chú ý quan trỌng: dùng Notepad chỉnh sửa winnt.sif
AutoPartition=l (0:sẽ tự động lấy phân vùng,l:sẽ lấy phân vùng 1 của bạn “ổ
C:”,2:phân vùng 2)
thêm vào sau “[Unatended]” :
Repartition=No nó sẽ sử dụng hệ thống mà bạn đã định dạng.
UnattendSwitch= "yes"
WaitForReboot="No" Không phải đợi 15s trước khi reboot.
Thêm vào [User]
ProductlD =AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA(sÔ Cdkey của bạn -đối với
windows trong Deploy.cap không có ô nhập CDkey)
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
1 SỊị winnt.sif - Notepad
File Edit Form at Help
; setupMgrTag
A u to P a r t i t io n = lK
M 5 D o s in it ia te d = X )"
u n a tte n d e d ln s ta n = "Yes"
[U na ttended ]
UnattendMode=Ful1 unattended
oemski pEula=Yes
oemPrei n s ta l1=No
Tar aet Pat h=\windows
R e p a r t i t i on=Nok
u n a tt endswi t c h ^ 'y es " k
Wai t For Reboot = " No "5
[Gui unattended]
AdminPassword="1234 5"
EncryptedAdmi nPassword=NO
Aut oLogoncount =1
OEMSk i pR eg ion a l=1 5 Timezone=35
oemsk ipw elcom e=l
Thế là coi như xong đối với bộ cài
Phầnll: Ghi ra đĩa có diể boot được
Bạn dùng nero 6.6(bản khác làm tương tự nha) tôi hướng dẫn với bản nero 6.6:
Khởi động nero chọn NEW
l i i Neio Burning ROM
File Edit View Recorder Extras D atabase Windc
New... Ị. Ctrl+N
Open... Drl+O
1.) Chọn CD-ROM (Boot).
2.) Chọn Image file từ file boot đi kèm.
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
3.) Chọn Enable expert settings (for advanced users only!).
4.) Đ ặl Kind of emulation: l à No Emulation.
5.) Đặt Load segment of sectors (hex!): là 0000.
6.) Đặt Number of loaded sectors:là 4.
7.) Đặt Platform identifier: là Intel x86 compatible (bản nero cũ sẽ không có không sao).
8.) Click nút Browse....
New Compilation
Info Boot | ISO | Label | D ates | Misc | Burn |
Source of boot image data
C Bootable logical drive (must fit on the CD!)
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Yc AO S \B 0 0 T \boot. ima Browse..
Bool locafev English (United States)
I ^ E s j b l e expert settings (for ad v an ced users only!)
jynd of emulation: No Emulation
Boot message: ịNero Boot-Loader V6.0
Load segm ent of sectors (hex!):
Number of loaded sectors:
Platform identifier:
Intel x86 compatibk
Nero Express
Chọn file boot.ima Ở C:\CD\BOOT.
Click nút Open.
L o o k in: I L Ĩ B O O T 3 o * ’ C ü h
File name: jboot.ima _____ M
Files of ivpe |Boot-lmage-Fäes (" IMA)
Click vào tab ISO.
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
- Đ ặl Dala Mode: là Mode 1.
- Đặt File System: là ISO 9660 + Joliet.
- Đạt File name length (ISO): là Max. of 31 chars (Level 2).
- Đặt Character Set (ISO): là ISO 9660 (standard ISO CD-ROM).
- C h ọ n tấ t cả các ô ở Relax restrictions.
New Compilation
CD-ROM (Boot)
< a ẫ
CD-ROM (Hybrid)
~^1 Info I Boot ISO. Ị Label I D ates I Mise I Burn I
— I . ^ I--------------------------------------*■ I D ata mode: Mode 1
File system:
File nam e length (ISO):
Character set (ISO):
ISO 9660 + Joliet
Max. of 31 chars (Level 2]
ISO 9G60 (standard ISO CD-RO
Relax restrictions
P | \ Allow gath depth of more than 8 directories
yiow more than 255 characters in path
not add the ';1 'ISO file version extension
How more than G4 characters for Joliet nam es
This disc might not be readable under DOS and W indows 9x. For full
compatibility choose ISO Level 1, ISO 9660 character set, and nc
relaxed restrictions.
Nero Express
Click chọn tab Label.
Chpn Manual.
Nhập tên đĩa vào ISO 9660: và Joliet
Click nút More Labels. Nhập tên vào như phụ lục(đối với từng windows)
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Le Tuan Anh
New Compilation
CD-ROM (Hybrid)
~E\ Info I Boot I ISO L abel^ j D ates I Mise I Bum
* I c Automatic
.Ếtld.Đate.;.: 1 Add Counter...
T le a s e enter the preferred nam e of your disc for e a c h file system
ISO 9660:
More Labels
Nero Express
nhap day du nhlf hinh
Click nut OK.
Moie Labels
System identifier:
Volume set:
D ata preparer:
Copyright file:
A bstract file:
f. Biblioqraphic file:
ISO 9660
<insert labels
I< insert label;
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Nero Burning ROM
OK Cancel
Click tab Burn.
Hir6ng dan cal windows tu" dong
Lê Tuấn Anh
- CliỌn Write.
- Chọn Finalize CD (No further writing possible!).
- Đặt Write Method là Disc-at-once.
- Click nút New.
New Compilation
CD ^ Info I Boot I ISŨ I Label I D ates I Mise ®urnK I
I- Determine maximum speed
r Simulation
I ^ x ^ r i t e
Finalize CD (No further writing possible!}
Write speed:
Write method:
Number of copies: |1
I- U se multiple recorders
f” Do a virus check before burning
14ŨX (6,000 KB A]
D isc-at-once
F BURN-Proof
Nero Express
- chon tất cả trong bocai “C:\CD\bocai”.
- kéo chuột thả vào cửa sổ ISO.
- Click nút Write CD Dialog .trên thanh ngang như hình con trỏ
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Le Tuan Anh
1 IS01 - Nero Burning ROM 1 - n l x l
File Edit View Recorder Extras D atabase W indow Help _>Ll
: i a * u Ỉ . B I B 1 m (ặ? 11 t t l © Q Ịị ị t â E: PLEXTOR DVDR PX-7C
File Browser
D esktop
' El «* My Computer
(C )
¡±) _ j ROOT
a s p
Name '=Ậ I Type
J I38G File Folder
V AUT0RUN.INF Setup Information
Ü SETUP.EXE Application
N o t e : A d d i t i o n a l f i l e s w ill b e d i s p l a y e d in t h i s
p a n e l , o n y o u r P C . B e s u r e t o s e l e c t t h e m a ll .
I Ç J N5^ !7b Type
É Ö 1386
Q I3ồé File Folder
3 A U T 0 R U N .IN F Setup Information
SETUP.EXE Application
;|0MB 100MB 200MB 300MB 400MB 500MB 600MB 700MB 800MB
\ Copies the selection and puts it on the clipboard PLEXTOR DVDR PX-70J& ^
Click tab Boot.
- kiểm tra và làm lại nếu cần thiết.
- Click nút Burn .
N ew C o m p ila tio n
I CD Info BootK I IS0 I Label
i of boot
Dates | Misc
Source & image data
Bootable logical drive (must fit on the CD!)
| Unknown size J
image file
IC: \ 0 S \B 0 0 T \boot. ima Êrowse..
Bool looaiẹr 1
w Enable expert settings (for advanced users only!)
Kind of emulation: | N o Emulation d
Boot message: ị Nero Boot-Loader V6.0
Load segment of sectors (hex!):
Number of loaded sectors:
Platform identifier:
lin te l x86 compatible ^ 1
Nero Express
Disc Info
ĐỢi cho đĩa ghi xong, vởy là bạn có thể đem đĩa đi cài boot dc từ CD
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Le Tuan Anh
Click OK.
Click Done.
Hii6ng dan cal windows tu" dong
Lê Tuấn Anh
1 ạ D o n e - I D I ^ I
File Edit V iew R ecorder Extras D atabase W indow Help x j
1 Vã' ặ t i Q D G ? í 1 í à E. PLEXTOR DVDR R-Ï 7t
Compilation name: IS01 (M o d e l) CD-ROM (Boot) Size: 667 MB / 75:46.14
Time __|_E vent
6 :00:00 PM Burn p ro c e ss s tarted at 4 0 x (6,000 KB/s)
W riting file:
N e r o B u rn in g ROM
Burn process com pleted successfully at 40x (6,000 K B /s)
I ______
I Autom atically shut dow n the PC w hen done
P / Verify written data Save Log.. Print Log..
0 0 1 :5 5
S Bi ■ ?
Ị Recorder A ction Buffer Level R ecorder State
1 PLEXTOR DVDR PX-. . Idle Ready
D one
Phần III ghụ lục:
Tên theo tiêu chuẩn của 1 sô windows :
Windows 2000:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Disc Labels
Language CD Description Volume Label
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Retai. W2AFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Retai. (SP1) SP1AFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Retai. (SP2) SP2AFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Retai. (SP3) YRMAFPPJEN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Retai. (SP4) ZRMAFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server OEM W2AOEMJEN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server OEM (SP1) SPlAOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server OEM (SP2) SP2AOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server OEM (SP3) YRMAOEMJEN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server OEM (SP4) ZRMAOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Select W2ASELJEN
English Windows 2000 Advanced Server Select (SP2) SP2ASEL_EN
English Windows 2000 Server (10 Client) Retail W2SFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Server (10 Client) Retail (SP1) SP1SFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Server (10 Client) Retail (SP2) SP2SFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Server (10 Client) Retail (SP3) YRMSFPP_EN
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
English Windows 2000 Server (10 Client) Retail (SP4) ZRMSFPPJEN
English Windows 2000 Server OEM W2SOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Server OEM (SP1) SPlSOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Server OEM (SP2) SP2SOEMJEN
English Windows 2000 Server OEM (SP3) YRMSOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Server OEM (SP4) 1099 Pan No. X05-07185 ZRMSOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Server Select W2SSEL_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional Retail W2PFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional Retail (SP1) SP1PFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional Retail (SP2) SP2PFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional Retail (SP3) YRMPFPP_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional Retail (SP4) ZRMPFPPJEN
English Windows 2000 Professional OEM W2POEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional OEM (SP1) SPlPOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional OEM (SP2) SP2POEMJEN
English Windows 2000 Professional OEM (SP3) YRMPOEM_EN
English Windows 2000 Professional OEM (SP4) ZRMPOEMJEN
English Windows 2000 Professional Select W2PSELJEN
English Windows 2000 Small Business Server(SPl) DISCI
English Windows 2000 Small Business Server Retail Upgrade (SP1)
(1000 Part No. X06-188-)
Disc 2 (1000 Part No. X06-18841) DISC2
Disc 3 (1000 Part No. X06-18843) DISC3
Service Packs (1000 Part No. X06-18827) SRVPACKS
DVD - Windows 2000 Small Business Server Retail Upgrade (SP1)
(1000 Part No. X06-18845)
Microsoft Outlook 2000 (SR-1)
(0200 Part No. X05-38095)
Microsoft Frontpage 2000 (SR-1) Disc 1
(0800 Part No. X05-38079)
Microsoft Frontpage 2000 (SR-1) Disc 2
(0200 Part No. X0S-38081)
Customer Support and Diagnostics Tools
for Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1
(0800 Part No. X06-05124)
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
English CD Set: X09-77590
Windows 2000 Small Business Server Retail Upgrade (SP1) - 5 Client
(1100 Part No. X05-98494)
Now Includes: Microsoft Small Business Server 2000 Service Pack 1 with Windows 2000
Service Pack 4, Outlook 2002, and FrontPage 2002
(0503 Part No. X09-75655)
Disc 1 (0503 Part No. X09-75643) DISCI
Disc 2 (0503 Part No. X09-75644) DISC2
Disc 3 (0503 Part No. X09-75646) DISC3
Service Packs (Updated)
(0602 Part No. X08-88020)
Additional Service Packs
(0602 Part No. X08-92436)
Microsoft Outlook 2002
(0301 Part No. X06-21260)
Microsoft FrontPage 2002
(0301 Part No. X06-22268)
English Windows 2000 Professional with SP3
Dell Réinstallation CD
Date Stamp: 08/09/2002 11:20AM
March 2002 P/N: 6P525 Rev. AOO
English Windows 2000 Professional
Gateway Operating System Backup CD Version 2000.2
Date Stamp: 05/12/2000 2:00AM
May 2000 P/N: 7508731
German Windows 2000 Advanced Server OEM W2AOEM_DE
Gemían Windows 2000 Advanced Server Select W2ASELJDE
Gemían Windows 2000 Server OEM W2SOEM_DE
Gemían Windows 2000 Server Select W2SSEL_DE
Gemían Windows 2000 Professional OEM W2POEM_DE
Gemían Windows 2000 Professional Select W2PSEL_DE
Spanish Windows 2000 Professional OEM W2POEM_ES
Spanish Windows 2000 Server Retail W2SFPPJES
Dutch Windows 2000 Professional Upgrade W2PCCP_NL
Dutch Windows 2000 Professional OEM W2POEM_NL
Dutch Windows 2000 Professional Select (SP2) SP2PSEL_NL
Japanese Windows 2000 Professional Upgrade W2PCCP_JA
Japanese Windows 2000 Professional OEM (SP2) SP2POEM_JA
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuấn Anh
Windows XP (SP1):
Windows XP Disc Labels
Language CD Description Volume Label
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) Reinstallation CD from Dell Lattìtude 4150 (pn:6w896) XPSPl_PRO_ENG
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) Reinstallation CD from Dell Latitude D800 (pn:6W896) XPSPl_PRO_ENG
English Windows XP Home (SP1) Reinstallation CD from Dell (pn:5W623) XPSP1_PER_ENG
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) Reinstallation CD from Compaq WINXPSP1JJS
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) CD from HP Pavilion WINXPSP1JJS
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) Retail XRMPFPP_EN
English Windows XP Home (SP1) Retail XRMHFPP_EN
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) Upgrade XRMPCCP_EN
English Windows XP Home (SP1) Upgrade XRMHCCP_EN
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) OEM XRMPOEM_EN
English Windows XP Home (SP1) OEM XRMHOEMJEN
English Windows XP Professional (SP1) VLK/Corporate/Volume XRMPVOL_EN
English Windows XP Home (SP1) VLK/Corporate/Volume XRMHVOLJEN
Windows 2003 server :
Windows 2003 Server SP1 Disc Volume Labels
Language Channel MPc CD Description Volume Label
English Checked Build - Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 32-bit [SP11 [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMECHK_EN
English Checked Build - Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEICHK_EN
English Corporate/VLK Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 32-bit [SP11 [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARME V OL_EN
English Corporate/VLK Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition 32-bit [SP1J [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition ARMS V OL_EN
English Corporate/VLK Windows 2003 Web Server Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Web Server Edition ARMWVOL_EN
English Corporate/VLK Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEIVOL_EN
Hướng dẫn cài windows tự động
Lê Tuän Anh
English Evaluation Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 32-bit ISP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEEVL_EN
English Evaluation Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition ARMSEVL_EN
English Evaluation Windows 2003 Web Server Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Web Server Edition ARMWEVL_EN
English Evaluation Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEIEVL_EN
English OEM Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEOEM_EN
English OEM Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition ARMDOEM_EN
English OEM Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition ARMSOEM_EN
English OEM Windows 2003 Web Server Edition 32-bit [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Web Ssrver Edition ARMWOEMJEN
English OEM Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEIOEMJEN
English OEM Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition ARMDIOEMJEN
English Retail Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEFPP_EN
English Retail Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition ARMDFPP_EN
English Retail Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition 32-bit [SP1[ [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition ARMSFPP_EN
English Retail Windows 2003 Web Server Edition 32-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Web Server Edition ARMWFPP_EN
English Retail Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -1
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise ARMEIFPP_EN
English Retail Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition 64-bit [SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition ARMDIFPP_EN
English MSDN Academic Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition 32-bit [SP1]A [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition ARMSFPP_EN
English MSDN Academic
Windows 2003 Web Server Edition 32-bit |SP1] [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Web Särver Edition ARMWFPP_EN
English MSDN Academic
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition 32-bit [SP1]A [CD Set: -]
Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition ARMEVOL_EN
HlTÖng dän càl windows tu" dông
Le Tuan Anh
Hii6ng dan cal windows tu" dong
Các file đính kèm theo tài liệu này: